Jurnal Al-Ulum, Universitas Islam Madura https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/madura/index.php/alulum Jurnal al-Ulum ini adalah salah satu Jurnal yang ada dibawah naungan Universitas Islam Madura (UIM) Pamekasan yang memfokuskan diri untuk menampung karya tulis ilmiah para dosen khususnya terkait dengan pemikiran, penelitian dan ke-Islaman. en-US Al-Ulum supandiarifin200@gmail.com (Supandi, M.Pd.I) bintangtimur@yahoo.com (Moh. Subhan, MA) Thu, 16 Jun 2016 11:16:17 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 PRACTICAL STRATEGIES FOR TEACHING ENGLISH TO YOUNG LEARNERS https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/madura/index.php/alulum/article/view/1776 <p><em>Teaching English to young learner is very different from teaching English to adolescent and adults. There are three learner groups in English language teaching (ELT). There are young children, adolescent and adult. The three learner groups have </em><em>crucial</em><em> difference</em><em>s</em><em> in terms of language learning needs, language competence emphasized, and</em><em> </em><em>cognitive skill addressed. Understanding the ideas and strategies for teaching English to young learners </em><em>is</em><em> </em><em>very </em><em>urgently needed for English teachers </em><em>to design and develop</em><em> </em><em>learning activities </em><em>for children. This article </em><em>tries to</em><em> explain some practical </em><em>strategies or ideas</em><em> in teaching English to young learners (TEYL). The practical </em><em>strategies</em><em> </em><em>that can be practiced in the </em><em>teaching English to young learners are: teaching with </em><em>pictures, </em><em>visual and realia, teaching with movement and games, teaching with stories</em><em> and </em><em>teaching with music or song. Hopefully, these </em><em>strategies</em><em> can help teachers especially teachers of </em><em>young learners</em><em> in </em><em>designing and developing </em><em>learning activities</em><em> in the classroom. </em></p> Zainollah Zainollah Copyright (c) 2016 Jurnal Al-Ulum, Universitas Islam Madura https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/madura/index.php/alulum/article/view/1776 Thu, 16 Jun 2016 00:00:00 +0000 ISLAMIC EDUCATION OF CHILDREN Raising Children in Islam-How to raise children into responsible Muslim adults? https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/madura/index.php/alulum/article/view/1777 <p><em>Parents hold enormous leverage in terms of what they teach their children and accordingly how their children grow up as adults. Islam, therefore, hold parents responsible for steering their children’s upbringing according to the guidelines of the Quran and the Prophet’s (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) traditions. The Prophet (s) said: “Allah (SWT) will ask every caretaker about the people under his care, and the man will be asked about the people of his household” (Nasa’i, Abu Da’ud).Children have the right, therefore, to be raised as responsible Muslim adults and parents must ensure that right appropriately. Parents must be conscious and take an active role in guiding their children and families on the path of truth. The Prophet Muhammad (s) said: “Every one of your (people) is responsible, and everyone is responsible for whatever falls under his responsibility. A man is like a shepherd of his own family, and he is responsible for them” (Bukhari and Muslim).</em></p> Fitrah Yuliawati Copyright (c) 2016 Jurnal Al-Ulum, Universitas Islam Madura https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/madura/index.php/alulum/article/view/1777 Thu, 16 Jun 2016 00:00:00 +0000 PENDEKATAN TEKNOLOGIS DALAM MELAKUKAN REKAYASA PENGEMBANGAN INSTITUSI PERGURUAN TINGGI ISLAM https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/madura/index.php/alulum/article/view/1778 <p><em>That in choosing educational institutions are selective and kompentabel let that happen in the community as keprofessionalan in managing and running an educational institution institutions in a new paradigm of management education. Implementing and education practitioners are tough and porposional. Just as teachers and lecturers who will thus understand their duties and roles is complete and comprehensive. Not just knowledge transfer (transfer of knowledge), but more than that, the task of educators is broader in scope, that is related to the duties of the profession, humanitarian, and social. In addition as a manager class also demonstrator, mediator and facilitator, evusaluator, and transfarmator or agent of change. In addition, managers of educational institutions should have clear philosophical achievement goals (vision and mission). Schools that do not have the vision and mission of mature and obviously tend origin and komirsil usal random. Like a ship, sailing on the ocean but did not have the destination. What will happen, obviously will oscillate, even impossible potential it will die in the hands of the school. Java people call this type as "sekloah waton" waton melaku, waton muride ono, ono waton lan duite. (Home run, his home there, and if there's money).</em><em></em></p> Ahmad Ahmad Copyright (c) 2016 Jurnal Al-Ulum, Universitas Islam Madura https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/madura/index.php/alulum/article/view/1778 Thu, 16 Jun 2016 00:00:00 +0000 PENDEKATAN TEKNOLOGIS DALAM PENINGKATAN KUALITAS DAN MUTU PENDIDIKAN TINGGI ISLAM MELALUI REKAYASA INSTITUSI https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/madura/index.php/alulum/article/view/1779 <p><em>Improving the quality of education in various educational institutions already selaknya done, both the concept and sector inplementatifnya, therefore, engineering education is an alternative that needs to be done by all parties concerned with the provision of education, particularly in institutions educational institutions in Indonesia, both in the form the launching of the school / madrasah and even featured colleges, which are projected to develop the potential and creativity of talented children or special ability, and so forth. Therefore, they are a valuable asset for the nation's future. While the form of the development can be done through three ways, namely (1) through the existing school and then coupled with enrichment; (2) through the use of educational media; and (3) through the school / special classes as much developed now. While the flagship school in general management includes three things: input, process and output. All of them were selected and well managed with management planned and implemented seriously. While relation to Islamic education, school / madrasah featured aimed at integrating the science of religion and general knowledge, in order to have the intellectual output, high creativity and leadership, as well as pay attention to the moral and spiritual aspects. While management is implemented in the schools featured a school-based management designed and implemented optimally.</em></p> Supandi Supandi Copyright (c) 2016 Jurnal Al-Ulum, Universitas Islam Madura https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/madura/index.php/alulum/article/view/1779 Thu, 16 Jun 2016 00:00:00 +0000 PENDEKATAN TEKNOLOGI DALAM PERENCANAAN DESAIN PEMBELAJARAN https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/madura/index.php/alulum/article/view/1780 <p><em>Design development of learning is one alternative to improve the quality of education that can be done by education practitioners for the progress and development of civilization of a nation, therefore, a teacher who serves as an agent of transfer of knowledge has a role that is very urgent in order to channel their knowledge to learners, through kapabiltas and skill, teachers are required to print a better generation that will have an impact on the advancement of a civilization. Therefore, it is necessary for every teacher to know and master the subject, purpose and characteristics of each of their students, so that the learning process runs effectively and efficiently as well as the lessons learned can be run properly and in accordance with the wishes of teachers and learners. The last stage is necessary diperlu considered by every teacher or teacher is the evaluation of learning activities that had been running and is already in its path, it is intended to be used as initial foundation for the progress and development of education in the future, which in this stage is equally important as the stage next because the evaluation is to determine the parts and know every student's ability in terms of both science and from the other, so that a teacher can separate and define the level of difficulty according to the lessons yamg ability possessed by each individual participant students and the learning process does not end there vain and walked with efektik.</em></p> Atnawi Atnawi Copyright (c) 2016 Jurnal Al-Ulum, Universitas Islam Madura https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/madura/index.php/alulum/article/view/1780 Thu, 16 Jun 2016 00:00:00 +0000 TRANMISI KEILMUAN PENDIDIKAN DI INDONESIA Perspektif Kurikulum Kompetensi Berbasis Karakter https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/madura/index.php/alulum/article/view/1781 <p>Education is a human need in life, with education could see the horizon of life. Education has many models adopted by mankind in this hemisphere, depending on the ultimate goal of education. In Indonesia adheres to education set by the Act and the government's resolve either of national or local regulations. The policies introduced by the government should make the concept of the curriculum as a substance, as a system, and as a field of study. MONE Strategic Plan 2010-2014 had a vision in 2025 to produce and competitively Smart Insan Indonesia (Insan Kamil / Insan Plenary). Insan Indonesia Smart is a comprehensive intelligent human being, namely the spiritual intelligent, emotionally intelligent, socially intelligent, intellectually smart, and intelligent kinesthetic. Competency-based curriculum characters, previously existing CBC, but only based on competency, so then felt nothing less than the curriculum. So the character is the answer. Characters like foundations and competence is building that stands on these competencies. They all die to whether there is a willingness to change (willingness to change) from key stakeholders such education, especially teachers.</p> Ummu Kulsum Copyright (c) 2016 Jurnal Al-Ulum, Universitas Islam Madura https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/madura/index.php/alulum/article/view/1781 Thu, 16 Jun 2016 00:00:00 +0000 KARAKTERISTIK INOVASI PENDIDIKAN DI PERGUAN TINGGI KEAGAMAAN ISLAM https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/madura/index.php/alulum/article/view/1782 <p><em>The development of education, as well as the world of Islamic education, it cannot be separated from the name of renewal or other term innovation to achieve a better direction, therefore, the activities of Innovation education in world Islamic education needs to be done and developed to solve problems exist and thrive in the world of education. Therefore, the existence of activities of educational innovation is a new idea, which is perceived as a novelty for individuals or groups of people who are competent in the field and the world of education, educational innovations that do it either result inversion or discoveri, designed and used for achieve an educational goal or solve problems in education. But in the context of education, innovation can be run properly and will generate a positive thing, and better, if education practitioners understand some of the characteristics of the educational innovation, because it is inherent in the nature of educational innovation itself. Various models can Invention Education Innovation, Development, Diffusion and others. While the characteristics of educational innovation can be a relative advantage, Compatibility, testability, observability, Complexity, and so forth.</em></p> Abdul Munib Copyright (c) 2016 Jurnal Al-Ulum, Universitas Islam Madura https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/madura/index.php/alulum/article/view/1782 Thu, 16 Jun 2016 00:00:00 +0000 SINERGITAS NEGARA DAN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM (Realasi dan peran kekuasaan Negara terhadap eksistensi pendidikan Islam di Indonesia) https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/madura/index.php/alulum/article/view/1783 <p><em>In the world of Islamic history has illustrated that the actual condition of Islamic education, history is not only describes the reality that has occurred in the past, but also serves as a guide for the next generation, so that they are able to make better footing than before. As for the world of Islamic education in Indonesia, has been basically formed along with datanganya Islam in the archipelago, as one of the spread of Islam in this country is one of them through education, as well as through trade and marriage. The role and the pursuit of Islamic education in seizing and uniting the archipelago has become a country that is now called Indonesia of course very much. So therefore, the history of Islamic education during the old order, the new order and even at the time of the order of reforms now needs to be presented again in the exposure history. The State has immense power in organizing and running the government, including in the world of Islamic education, so that, the conditions of Islamic education have accrued over time, and even very different portion of the government which then akhrinya implications of the results of the implementation of the education.</em><em></em></p> Sahibuddin Sahibuddin Copyright (c) 2016 Jurnal Al-Ulum, Universitas Islam Madura https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/madura/index.php/alulum/article/view/1783 Thu, 16 Jun 2016 00:00:00 +0000 EKSISTENSI PENDIDIKAN TRADISIONAL DALAM PELAKSANAAN TUGAS DAN LAYANAN KEPENDIDIKAN DI ERA MODERN https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/madura/index.php/alulum/article/view/1784 <p><em>The essence of an education is a process of changing the form of effort or attitude or code of conduct of a person or group in an effort to mature in humans through efforts to implement educational activities and teaching by way of sticking to the norms or customs that has lasted for a long time that happened generations. There are some patterns that have been presented by the history of education, the educational pattern that uses the traditional system, to some people identified with non-formal schools that are done through takhassus, regeneration, diploma and others. System used in traditional education is by looking at the past history as an inspiration or something to be grasped. The traditionalist roots of theological thinking is that people have to accept all of the terms and the plan of God that has been previously established. During the Classical Islamic education are grouped into two categories: formal institutions are characterized by exclusive and agency side (informal) (kuttab, shuffauh, halaqoh, qushur, council houses and mosques and clerics) and they have the characteristics of each. Orientation traditional education is a sacred task, to spread the religion. Preserving the teachings of Islam, strengthening all tauhidan, Focused on Islam Scientific Education, teacher-centered education, learning traditional education system, they still wear halaqoh system, bekumpul, clumped after it forward one by one.</em><em></em></p> Abd Haris Copyright (c) 2016 Jurnal Al-Ulum, Universitas Islam Madura https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/madura/index.php/alulum/article/view/1784 Thu, 16 Jun 2016 00:00:00 +0000 DESAIN PEMBELAJARAN DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN SITUS BERSEJARAH DALAM PAI https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/madura/index.php/alulum/article/view/1785 <p><em>The learning activities is a series of activities and interaction between students and teachers that are controlled through planning based on the achievement of learning and teaching. Implementation of the learning process needs to be done systematically based on instructional procedures that have been developed and specified in the plan. Therefore, to understand and implement the procedure of learning in group learning, individual very urgent to be understood and developed. In general stages into three stages of learning as early learning activities, the core activities of learning and teaching activities end. Therefore, the learning process needs to be pursued through a systematic procedure and systemic. The learning procedure is a sequential process in shaping the students' ability in accordance with its intended purpose. Lesson study can be conducted in three phases, namely the level of planning, executing level and extent reflect a sustainable manner. But it will all be meaningless if it is not supported by their media appropriate learning and support to these activities, instructional media design can be adapted to the needs, because it is so closely related to the method used. In the context of PAI, historic sites so need to be used, because the presence of the PAI is inseparable from the history and civilization of Muslims, so the design of learning development will be very urgent and essential if learning PAI juxtaposed with the historic sites.</em></p> Abd Rahman Abbas Copyright (c) 2016 Jurnal Al-Ulum, Universitas Islam Madura https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/madura/index.php/alulum/article/view/1785 Thu, 16 Jun 2016 00:00:00 +0000 KONSEPSI STANDAR FAKIR DAN MISKIN MENURUT SYAFI’IYAH DAN BPS (BADAN PUSAT STATISTIK) https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/madura/index.php/alulum/article/view/1786 <p><em>As a religion that carries idealism as Rahmatan lil Alamin, Islam appears as Protagonista, breaking the deadlock problem. Not surprisingly, then God mensyariatkan charity, as part of efforts to change the map of economic circulation. And explicitly Allah commanded His servants who have to spend their excess wealth in part to the brothers who are struggling to live against the severity of the financial difficulties. With a simple study found that among the indigent and poor definition launching by Syafiiyah scholars and BPS it turned out to have advantages and disadvantages of each. And Ideally need renewal concept and destitute that one of them by marrying the concept of a central body Fiqh Syafiiyah and statistics. Already religion and state should go hand in hand in order to realize the benefit. The benefit is not merely a dream, but he must transform into reality. Now is the time.</em></p> Akhmad Farid Mawardi Sufyan Copyright (c) 2016 Jurnal Al-Ulum, Universitas Islam Madura https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/madura/index.php/alulum/article/view/1786 Thu, 16 Jun 2016 00:00:00 +0000 INTEGRASI KEILMUAN UMUM DAN AGAMA https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/madura/index.php/alulum/article/view/1787 <pre><em>General science (science) growing rapidly while the decline of Islamic science, which in the end came the dichotomy between the two disciplines. Not only here but there are also the secularization of science. But secularization of science has been challenged by the Church. Awarding a penalty to the scientists who dare to be different views with the Church to trigger the birth of science that separates itself from religious doctrine. This condition motivates Muslim scholars try hard to re-integrate science and religion. Thinking about integration or the Islamization of science today is carried out by Muslim intellectuals, can not be separated from religious awareness. In totality amid hectic global world that is loaded with the progress of science and technology. Real science is the result of a human reading the verses of Allah, losing the dimension of spirituality, then berkembangkanlah science or science that has no connection with religion. It is not surprising then that the science and technology that should benefit as much as possible for human life turned out to be a tool used for temporary interest that it be a "cause" adverse human calamity. To achieve these objectives it is necessary to do an effort to integrate general sciences with the Islamic sciences, general sciences that are not value free or secular. Interdisciplinary approach and inter connectivity between the disciplines of religion and the public need to be built and developed continuously without unrelenting.</em></pre> Syamsul Rijal Copyright (c) 2016 Jurnal Al-Ulum, Universitas Islam Madura https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/madura/index.php/alulum/article/view/1787 Thu, 16 Jun 2016 00:00:00 +0000 FEMINISME DAN TINJAUAN KRITIS TERHADAP KONSEP GENDER DALAM STUDY ISLAM https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/madura/index.php/alulum/article/view/1788 <pre><em>Feminism is an effort gender justice requires us to make the rules fair, but gender equality does not require us to give a prize to the winner and the loser between men and women. Gender equality has become a necessity of the times. Issues these women are very regard to violence against women, sexual harassment, wage discrimination and women's rights in the workplace or a dual role as the nature of women. Some people think women with a view of ignorance before Islam came, so they do not give inheritance rights to her daughter and did not even get a part at all. They also memingitnya not work outside the home, they even ban women only weeks to study so that they assume that women who sholehah are women who never leave the house, and that means they have prevented the women to get the light of science. Yet they know that seeking knowledge is obligatory for the Muslims either male or female. Women are partners of men who were created by God with the abilities and the mental equivalent. Most of the women's movement stopped in the middle and are crossroads juaga whereas women are entitled to a space in the activity. The image of the ideal woman in the Quran is not the same as the ideal image that developed in the history of the world.</em></pre> Muhammad Kholil Copyright (c) 2016 Jurnal Al-Ulum, Universitas Islam Madura https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/madura/index.php/alulum/article/view/1788 Thu, 16 Jun 2016 00:00:00 +0000 PROBLEM PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DALAM PERSPEKTIF GLOBALISASI https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/madura/index.php/alulum/article/view/1789 World Education in Indonesia IN in particular has Facing Many obstacles and challenges , The quantity is big individual and Families recognize the urgent Role of Family Singers, then they form a wider network for review Building synergy , then The Fast growing awareness competitive in the Central - Eastern nation kita thus able to compete in the globalization wave singer differences . Indonesia Education Needed Now the singer is the vision , repositioning strategy , the leadership of Dan . Without IT ALL , kita will NOT EVER move from the transformation of Yang Continuously rotating - turn . Searching Google Articles vision Obviously , Stages - Stages Yang Also Obviously , Dan commitment ALL LEADERSHIP Strong As well as the parties to the review reached ITU , 2020 Not NOT possibly Indonesia also can Risen Back Being a nation of dignity and victorious as the winner of globalization hearts . Syafrawi Syafrawi Copyright (c) 2016 Jurnal Al-Ulum, Universitas Islam Madura https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/madura/index.php/alulum/article/view/1789 Thu, 16 Jun 2016 00:00:00 +0000