At Tujjar 2023-09-12T23:12:06+00:00 Open Journal Systems <p>At Tujjar&nbsp;: Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah&nbsp;diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Ekonomi Syariah&nbsp;STAI Diponegoro Tulungagung</p> STRATEGI PENGELOLAAN ZAKAT, INFAQ DAN SEDEKAH (ZIS) BAZNAS UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PENDAPATAN PEDAGANG KAKI LIMA (PK-5) DI TULUNGAGUNG 2023-03-31T17:06:34+00:00 Komari <p><em>There are many micro business sectors or small traders in Tulungagung who still lack the capital to run their business. At this time, small traders really need loans without collateral or interest. In this day and age it must be very difficult to find a loan without collateral or without capital. BAZNAS Tulungagung itself created a Revolving Capital Assistance Program for Street Vendors (PK-5) aimed at traders who still lack capital for their businesses. PK-5 assistance is assistance without collateral and without interest. Loans can be in the form of assistance for good causes for the benefit of the people. The focus of this study is directed at: 1. How is the ZIS BAZNAS management strategy in developing the business of street vendors in Tulungagung Regency?, 2. How is the effectiveness of ZIS BAZNAS assistance in increasing the income of street vendors in Tulungagung Regency?, 3. How is the evaluation of ZIS assistance in terms of increase the income of street vendors in Tulungagung Regency. The method used in this research is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The presence of researchers, research locations at the Tulungagung BAZNAS Office and at the PK-5 revolving capital assistance beneficiary's house, the number of informants was 4 informants. Data collection procedures with observation, documentation and interviews. The results of the study show that: 1. Street vendor revolving capital assistance (PK-5) is one of the BAZNAS field programs for community economic development. This assistance is specifically for traders who still lack capital for their business. This assistance is in the form of capital loan assistance without collateral and without definite interest. This capital assistance is very necessary for small business actors who are still having difficulty developing their business, especially nowadays it is certainly difficult to find loans without collateral or interest. 2. This PK-5 revolving capital assistance has proven to be very effective for traders who are still short on capital. 3. BAZNAS always evaluates each of its programs, especially this PK-5 assistance, BAZNAS provides evaluations such as monitoring or direct review of recipients. As well as providing guidance on business development for customers. Even for customers who are orderly in paying installments, BAZNAS also provides assistance in the form of carts for street food.</em></p> 2023-03-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 At Tujjar STRATEGI MANAJEMEN PELAYANAN DALAM MENINGKATKAN JUMLAH PENDAPATAN ( Studi kasus di T-Shirt dan Sablon Colellection) 2023-03-31T18:38:30+00:00 chusnul saifuddin <p><em>Di dalam sebuah usaha atau bisnis sebuah srtategi manajemen tentunya tidak dapat dipisahkan. Dengan adanya sebuah stategi manajemen pengusaha tentunya di tuntut selalu bila dalam mulai dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasinya dan mengerti apa yang terjadi di pasar dan apa yang menjadi sebuah kenginan konsumen dan terntunya ebuah perubahan-perubahan lainya baik secara internal dan external sehingga pengusaha mampu meningkatakan sebuah pelayanan kepada pelanggan dan konsumen sehingga tentunya pendapatan perusahaan akan meningkat.</em></p> 2023-03-31T17:23:14+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 At Tujjar KONSEP SYIRKAH DALAM ISLAM 2023-05-26T22:50:53+00:00 Ahmad Taufiqurrohman <p><em>Allah really likes everything that is congregational in any case, whether in worship, neighbors or in mu'amalah with other people. One of the things that Allah likes is sharing (cooperating) in seeking Allah's gifts on earth, even Allah becomes the third party of two people who have an association, providing help, assistance, benefits and blessings as long as one of them does not betray his business partner.</em> <em>But if one of them does evil, that is, betrays his co-workers, then Allah will leave their group, no longer giving benefits, blessings and help, so if Allah leaves their side, Satan will come as a third party among them, then it will be revoked. grace and blessings of Allah from them.</em></p> <p><em>As is the reality of life, that humans are social beings who cannot live alone, they need friends for dialogue, socializing and trying. Among them there are those who have capital but do not have the time and opportunity to manage their capital, so automatically they need other people to cooperate in managing their capital so that it increases, conversely there are people who do not have capital for business but they have the expertise and skills in managing a business. , then he needs other people to provide capital with profits shared among them according to a mutually agreed upon agreement, both parties need each other to try, therefore Allah swt prescribes syirkah as a form of their mu'malah.</em></p> 2023-03-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 At Tujjar PERAN KUALITAS PELAYANAN TERHADAP PENGAMBILAN KEPUTUSAN KONSUMEN MENGGUNAKAN JASA DI QITHMIR PET CARE CABANG TULUNGAGUNG PERSPEKTIF EKONOMI ISLAM 2023-06-08T13:25:27+00:00 Mei Santi <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><em>As social beings, humans definitely need help from other parties to meet their needs. Basically consumption is built on two things, namely needs (hajat) and use or satisfaction (benefits). Rationally, a person will never consume an item when he does not need it and does not benefit from it. In the perspective of Islamic economics, these two elements have a very close relationship (interdependence) with consumption itself. Service quality is the level of quality whether or not the service depends on the ability of the service provider to meet customer expectations consistently. Although the results of the services will not be exactly the same.</em></p> <p><em>This research is included in the type of field research (field research) with a qualitative research approach and data collection is done by observation, interview and documentation techniques.</em></p> <p><em>Based on the results of the study, it can be stated that the Role of Service Quality in Consumer Decision Making Using Services at Qithmir Pet Care Tulungagung Branch, namely Qithmir Pet Care applies three basic service concepts, namely sincerity, service compatibility with Shari'a, and trying to serve the best service.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: Service Quality, Satisfaction, Customer</em></p> 2023-03-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 At Tujjar PENERAPAN AKAD MURABAHAH DI PERBANKAN SYARIAH 2023-06-08T14:37:25+00:00 Hasan Sultoni <p><em>In this study, the authors try to discuss the Murabaha contract in Islamic banking. The aim is to find out the application of the Murabahah contract in the process of Islamic banking transactions. As a writer, I use collaborative research methods to compare existing data to be used as evaluation material in the transaction process according to Islamic law, sharia principles and the legal basis of sharia banking. Islamic banks are banks that apply sharia principles in their operational activities, and the legal basis for implementing these sharia principles relates to the Al-Quran and Al-Hadith as well as various other provisions relating to the activities of Islamic banks as financial intermediary institutions. Collecting and distributing funds to the public, especially in the distribution business, there are generally various forms of financing based on sharia principles, including buying and selling financing or what is known as a murabaha contract. Murabahah is one of the most common types of contracts used in Islamic banking. Murabahah is carried out through the mechanism of buying and selling goods which increases the profit margin made by the bank.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Application, Murabaha Contract, Islamic Bank</em></p> 2023-03-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 At Tujjar PENGARUH MOTIVASI, KONSEP DIRI DAN PENGALAMAN TERHADAP KOMPETENSI KEWIRAUSAHAAN PESERTA DIDIK DI BALAI LATIHAN KERJA KOMUNITAS 2023-06-21T14:05:33+00:00 Ubaid Muhammad Baidlowi <p>Competition in the world of work is getting tighter, so the unemployment rate coming from formal school graduates in Indonesia is quite high. To be able to survive in the competition requires additional skills. These skills are in the form of life skills that can be obtained in non-formal education. Community Work Training Centers (BLKK), including BLKK Bustanul Muta'allimin Blitar City, provide non-formal education in the field of fish processing. Applying the learning method correctly will give results in the form of entrepreneurial competencies that can be used to become entrepreneurs. This study aims to analyze the effect of self-concept, experience, and motivation on students' entrepreneurial competence. The study used a survey method with a mix method approach that combines quantitative and qualitative data using instruments in the form of questionnaires and interviews. The results of the data obtained were analyzed using SPSS 25 linear regression analysis. Based on the analysis carried out, obtained positive and significant results on the influence of self-concept, experience, and motivation on entrepreneurial competence.</p> 2023-03-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 At Tujjar FIQH KLASIK 2023-09-12T23:12:06+00:00 Dalhari <p><em>The purpose of Islamic law revealed by Allah is for the benefit or interests of mankind, as well as to prevent them from damage and danger in this world and the hereafter. Detailed explanations of Islamic laws are discussed in the science of Fiqh. Fiqh is the science of theoretical sharia issues. These fiqh issues relate to matters of the afterlife such as matters of worship (worship), or relate to matters of the world which are divided into munakahat (concerning marriage), mu'amalat (concerning various transactions in society and uqubat or jinayat (concerning punishment or crime). ). The relationship between humans as creatures and their Khaliq (Allah) is regulated through the law of worship. In order to maintain justice and order between fellow humans and protect them from destruction, provisions are needed that are strengthened by the Sharia, regarding the system of human relationships in family life. in a household environment, regulated through the law of munakahat; then with regard to matters of civilization in the form of relations between humans and each other in daily social and relationship traffic to fulfill their daily needs, regulated in the law of muamalat, and finally to maintain matters of civilization In order to remain on the line, it is necessary to formulate retaliatory laws and enforce them as well as hold public power or judicial bodies.</em></p> 2023-03-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 At Tujjar