• Tika Mardiyah IAIN Tulungagung


ABSTRAK: Beberapa problematika yang sering terjadi dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab adalah problem linguistik dan non linguistik. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendeskripsikan problem-problem yang terjadi sekaligus menemukan solusinya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis studi kasus. Lokasi penelitian di MTs. PSM Tanen tahun pelajaran 2014/2015, sumber data penelitian berupa informan, peristiwa, dan dokumen. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan observasi partisipan, interview mendalam dan dokumentasi. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis data kasus tunggal. Pengecekan keabsahan data melalui trianggulasi, perpanjangan penelitian, dan pembahasan teman sejawat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1. Pembelajaran bahasa Arab di MTS. PSM Tanen, meliputi materi mufradat, hiwar, qawaid, qira’ah, dan insya’, 2. Problematika pembelajaran bahasa Arab, meliputi: a.Problem linguistik (Al-Ashwat, Al-Mufrodat, Al-qawaid), b.Problem non linguistik (sebagian peserta didik belum lancar membaca arab, guru dalam menyampaikan materi kurang bisa diterima peserta didik, pemilihan metode kurang tepat, motivasi belajar rendah, keterbatasan buku materi, tidak ada pembiasaan komunikasi dengan bahasa Arab); 3. Problem solving dari problematika pembelajaran bahasa Arab, meliputi: a.Bimbingan khusus latihan baca tulisan arab (iqra’), b.Penambahan materi muatan lokal berupa Muhadatsah, c.Pengikutsertaan guru bahasa Arab pada workshop kurikulum 2013, d.Evaluasi pembelajaran tiap semester, e.Supervisi, f.Sosialisasi kepada wali peserta didik.

Kata Kunci: Problem linguistik, non linguistik, Bahasa Arab


ABSTRACT:Some problems that often occurs in learning Arabic, namely in the form of linguictic and non-linguistic problems. Therefore, this study was conducted to descripe both of these problems at once to find the solution. This research used the qualitative approach with this type of case study. The location of the research is at MTs. PSM Tanen 2014/2015, research the data source consists of the informants, events, and documents. The techniques of data collection was through with in-depth interviews, participants observation and documentation. The data analysis used a single case data analysis. For checking the validity of the data is by using the triangulation, research extension, and the deliberations of the friend. The results showed that: 1. The Arabic language learning in MTs. PSM Tanen, consist of material of mufradat, hiwar, qira’ah, qawaid, and insya’. 2. The problem of learning in the Arabic language, included: a. The linguistic problems (al-ashwat, al-mufradat, al-qawaid), b. The non linguistic problems (many students are not fluent in Arabic yet, teacher delivered the material less clear, the election method was less precise, low motivation, the limitations of the material, there was no communication habit with Arabic); 3. The problem solving of the Arabic language learning problems included: a. The specific exercise guidance of read in Arabic script (iqra’), b. Adding the local content material with the Muhadatsah lessons, c. Workshop participation of K13, d. Learning evaluation of each semester, e. Supervision, f. Socialization with the student’s parents.

Keywords: Linguistic  problem , non linguistic, Arabic
