JURNAL PIKIR 2017-10-12T03:16:45+00:00 Wawan Setyawan Heryawan Open Journal Systems <p>Jurnal Pikir : Jurnal Studi Pendidikan dan Hukum Islam, STAI Darussalam Krempyang Nganjuk Jawa Timur</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> FIQH SEBAGAI PRODUK IJTIHADI TERHADAP PENAFSIRAN AL-QUR’AN 2017-10-08T12:34:39+00:00 Masrokhin M <p>The interpretation of holly al-Qur’an has been done since Muhammad Saw prophet to his friends, however the product has not been booked. The interpretation of al- Qur’an caused law tafsir which becomes fiqh. As ijtihād re- sult, fiqh can not be seperated from historical context and place of birth. Its foundation is not merely al-Qur’an text (nash), but also the reality of fiqh society as object. This meaning makes fiqh as inspiration and motivation that in understanding the object, it is needed in-depth research. Based on the ijtihād reward, the ushul fiqh expert (ushuliyyun) provide two attitude theories such as mushawwibah and mukhathi’ah theories, so the sciences have different point of views of the four Sunni sect priests thought. Abu Hanifah, for example, he tends to rationalist, Malik ibn Anas likes to be exclusive, al-Syafi’i tends to be dynamic and Ahmad ibn Hanbal is quite referensive. The urgency of ijtihād toward al-Qur’an in digging the fiqh is never ending. It will be taken place forever when human interact both with environment, human being in socializing, as well as with Allah Swt in mahdhah worship. The dynamism of fiqih which is based on ijtihād seriousely enable human in establishing themselves to be shalih.</p> 2017-06-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2017 JURNAL PIKIR MANAJEMEN PENDIDIKAN PROGRAM MU’ADALAH DI MADRASAH ‘ULYA PESANTREN MIFTAHUL MUBTADIIN KREMPYANG TANJUNGANOM NGANJUK 2017-10-08T12:34:39+00:00 Muhammad Shohibul Aziz <p>As the oldest educational institution in Indonesia, pesantren has manifested all ot of quality alumni who have valuable and big roles in many life fields either in science or leadership field. The government then appreciates this role by launching mu’adalah program, that is commitment to acknowledge the equality between pesantren alumni who perform mu’adalah with SMA/MA level as formal education institution. This article describes mu’adalah program in Madrasatul ‘Ulya Pesantren Miftahul Mubtadiin Krempyang Nganjuk which use consensus management principle. The planning process conducted by this pesantren are two, they are strategic and annual program planning. In strategic planning, the pesantren arranges vision, mission, pesantren and madrasah purpose, preparing lesson plan and curriculum clearly. The planning kind is combination of bottom-up and top down planning. Organizing, in this case, is forming organization and curriculum structure, the distribution of authority and responsibility, codes of ethic drafting, discipline and the establishing of class structures. In actuating process, the head master implements democratic which combined with paternalistic. Meanwhile, the authority is transformational or charismatic supported by the help and development attitudes. The controlling process in mu’adalah is done by using observation, interview and writing report</p> 2017-10-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2017 JURNAL PIKIR MANAJEMEN SARANA DAN PRASARANA PENDIDIKAN DALAM PEMBELAJARAN DI MADRASAH 2017-10-12T03:16:45+00:00 Toha Ma'sum <p>Education facilities and infrastructure is an important instrument in education. It is one of the eight National Education Standards, which support the education or teaching process. In developing learning process, every educational institution is requested to occupy educational facilities and infrastructure standards. This can be reached when the facilities and infrastructure are available and conducted optimally. The alternative pattern is management of educational facilities and infrastructure. This management is used to support the achievement of learning objectives by educators and learners with the School Based Management (SBM) approach through a series of management processes, such as planning, procurement, utilization, abolishment which managed by the expert of the fields. To meet the learning quality and realize the vision, mission and objectives has been determined need to occupy educational facilities and infrastructure</p> 2017-10-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2017 JURNAL PIKIR PERBANDINGAN KONSEP KEILMUAN ANTARA FILSAFAT HUKUM ISLAM DENGAN ILMU-ILMU SYARI’AH METODOLOGIS 2017-10-08T12:34:39+00:00 Siti Maryam Qurotul Aini <p>Islamic law of the nature and purpose is analyzed in depth and systematically using a philosophical approach resulted three discussions, they are ontological, epistemo- logical and axiological aspects. This article discusses the position of Islamic legal philosophy as disciplines compatible with the methodological syari’ah sciences, such as ushul fiqh and qawa’id al-fiqhiyah. The study is focused on two things, they are the Islamic philosophy of Islamic law concept and the position of Islamic legal philosophy among other methodological syari’ah sciences in Islamic law. It can be concluded that the Islamic philosophy of Islamic law concept has developed from a discussion of Islamic secrets or wisdom into a more systematic self-discipline. The study of Islamic law philosophy encompasses all problems, that is why it can answer the questions about all aspects of philosophy include ontology, epistemology and Islamic legal ideology formulated in al-tasyri’ and syari’ah philosophy. This study is aimed to make a basis in understanding and implementing Islamic law with methods determined according to the objectives of Islamic law. Islamic legal philosophy has adopted another syari’ah methodological, such as ushul fiqh and qawa’id al- fiqhiyyah without leaving the specific characteristics of a speculative philosophical study</p> 2017-10-08T12:28:32+00:00 Copyright (c) 2017 JURNAL PIKIR LEMBAGA PERNIKAHAN SEBAGAI UPAYA PERWUJUDAN KELUARGA SEJAHTERA 2017-10-08T12:34:39+00:00 Kusnul Kholiq <p>The Islamic view of marriage is not only as a means of bringing together the two male and female to meet their biological needs and extinguish the lust, but Islam views marriage more deeply and broadly. The purpose of marriage is creating a sakinah, mawaddah and rahmah household life as stated in the Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI) and Law Number 1 of 1974 on Marriage. This article describes all matters concerning marriage, such as definition, law, basic, purpose, requirement, content, wisdom and effort in realizing prosperous family. Ideal marriage, based on KHI and Marriage Law, should consider three things, namely the maturity of the prospective bride, the willingness of both parties and family participation. One of the preparations that must be done by a new couple who run the household, are mental preparation, it is used for the household prosperous and sakinah, happy inward and inner; occupy the biological, psychological, economic needs of the couples and keep good relationships with the extended family.</p> 2017-10-08T12:29:44+00:00 Copyright (c) 2017 JURNAL PIKIR