• Sokhi Huda Fakultas Dakwah Universitas Hasyim Asy’ari Tebuireng Jombang
Keywords: Al-Qur’an, Women’s Right, Controversy, Thought Of Contemporary Islam


Amina Wadud-Muhsin is feminist on Islam, leader and scholar with progressive interpretation and she focuses on feminist al-Qur’an. The Wadud’s anxiety in academic started from the phenomenon of marginalization on women in neighborhood. This anxiety was responded by Wadud with literary or thought works until practical acts sourced from tawhidic paradigm which is built as reformulated and reconstructive with main instrument, hermeneutical analysis. In her books, Rights and Roles of Women: Some Controversies, Wadud questioned the value concepts which adhere to men or women and determined that functional differences are not based on al-Qur’an. Although al-Qur’an admits mothers has the biological aspect and noble function to look after and feed their baby, but al-Qur’an does not consider a mother as woman roles individually not exclusively. Wadud suggested urgency context and chronology on efforts to understand social reformation of al-Qur’an for women. Her main project is to struggle gender justice in spectrum context of al-Qur’an universal values about justice, dignity, right equality, responsibility and social equilibrium.  The prime problem of controversy about women right and role, in the book Qur’an and Women written by Wadud with her project to struggle gender justice in Islam, is part of grand study about the relation between gender and al-Qur’an. In the map of contemporary Islam study, this grand study is shown by some literary works which extending from the efforts of Rethinking Women in Islam to the efforts to build Feminist Theology.

Author Biography

Sokhi Huda, Fakultas Dakwah Universitas Hasyim Asy’ari Tebuireng Jombang
Perumahan Puri Permata Residence Blok D No. 7 Rt. 23 Rw. 3, Jln. Kapten Tendean Sengon Jombang 61411