Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Islam https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/pantura/index.php/jipi <p>Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Islam diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Tarbiyah Universitas Qomaruddin . Terbit dua kali dalam setahun setiap bulan Juni dan Desember.</p> <p><strong>JIPI</strong> memuat kajian ilmiah tentang pendidikan, pemikiran pendidikan Islam, Politik Pendidikan Islam dan manajemen pendidikan Islam&nbsp;dalam bentuk hasil penelitian, kajian analitis-kritis, konseptual dan kajian kepustakaan.</p> FAKULTAS TARBIYAH UNIVERSITAS QOMARUDDIN GRESIK - JAWA TIMUR en-US Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Islam 2088-3048 Systematic Review: Implementasi Mind mapping Pada Pembelajaran Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/pantura/index.php/jipi/article/view/4087 <p><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Materi sejarah yang bersifat normatif tanpa disertai strategi pembelajaran yang membangkitkan kehidupan pada pembelajaran SKI dapat sulit diterima oleh siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki implementasi teknik mind map dalam pembelajaran Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam melalui sebuah tinjauan sistematis terhadap 11 artikel yang ditemukan melalui Google Scholar. Pemetaan pikiran dianggap sebagai metode yang mampu memfasilitasi pembelajaran yang aktif, kreatif, dan terorganisir dengan memvisualisasikan hubungan antar konsep, fakta, dan peristiwa sejarah. Penggunaan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi, khususnya perangkat lunak mind map, diperkenalkan sebagai potensi untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektivitas pembelajaran. Metode inklusi dan ekslusi dengan menggunakan PICO digunakan dalam data seleksi, dengan artikel-artikel terpilih antara tahun 2019-2023. Proses identifikasi, ekstraksi data, dan sintesis artikel dilakukan untuk menyajikan gambaran komprehensif mengenai peran serta dampak penggunaan mind map dalam pembelajaran Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam. Hasilnya diharapkan memberikan wawasan mendalam kepada para pendidik, peneliti, dan praktisi pendidikan terkait potensi dan keterbatasan penerapan mind map dalam konteks pembelajaran sejarah kebudayaan Islam.</span></span></p> Munawir munawir Putri Regina Ananda Eka Riza Zulmi Salsabila Laili Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Islam http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 21 2 186 193 10.36835/jipi.v21i2.4087 Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar Pada Mata Pelajaran Akidah Akhlak Di MIN 1 Yogyakarta https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/pantura/index.php/jipi/article/view/4094 <p>This research aims to explain how the "Merdeka Belajar" curriculum is implemented in the Akidah Akhlak (Faith and Morality) lessons at MIN 1 Yogyakarta. The research method used is qualitative descriptive, utilizing observation and interviews. The data analysis consists of three stages, the first being data reduction, which involves the correction and description of interview results. This research was conducted at MIN 1 Yogyakarta in the fourth grade, with the research subjects focusing on Akidah Akhlak teachers. The results of the research show that MIN 1 Yogyakarta plays a role in the implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum in the Sleman DIY district. One of the methods applied in the Merdeka Curriculum teaching process is project-based learning, known as Problem-Based Learning (PBL). This method aims to enhance students' critical thinking skills, stimulate their initiative in the learning process, and promote interpersonal development within groups. However, in the Akidah Akhlak lessons, the materials still use the K-13 curriculum because there is no direct issuance of Merdeka curriculum books from the Ministry of Religion. As a result, the Merdeka curriculum books only focus on general materials.</p> Anis Fajar Fitria Muh. Wasith Achadi Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Islam http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 21 2 194 203 10.36835/jipi.v21i2.4094 Konsep Kebijakan Dan Perencanaan Strategis Dalam Pendidikan https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/pantura/index.php/jipi/article/view/4103 <p>The literature research study discusses the importance of policy concepts and strategic planning in the context of education as the foundation for a nation's progress. The two are interrelated, with policy providing direction and purpose, while strategic planning implements action plans. Educational policy forms an education system's principal foundation, while strategic planning identifies long-term goals and allocates resources to achieve desired outcomes. Effective policy implementation provides the basis for successful strategic planning by validating policies and guiding strategy with relevant data. This process helps adjust plans and resource allocation according to actual needs, ensures consistency between policy objectives and implemented systems, and increases the potential for achieving desired educational goals. In this research, the main focus is an in-depth analysis of the relationship and contribution of the two in advancing education.</p> Mochamad Chairuddin Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Islam http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 21 2 204 215 10.36835/jipi.v21i2.4103 Membangun Nilai-Nilai Religius Dalam Kesenian Syarafal Anam Desa Pagar Agung https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/pantura/index.php/jipi/article/view/3962 <p>Di desa Pagar Agung, tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menyelidiki perkembangan nilai-nilai agama dalam kaitannya dengan kesenian Sarafal Anam. Penelitian ini membahas masalah bagaimana menanamkan nilai-nilai agama dalam kesenian sarafal Anam desa Pagar Agung. Studi eksplorasi digunakan dalam metode penelitian, sedangkan pendekatan ini bergantung pada penelitian kualitatif. Nilai-nilai agama berikut ditemukan di desa Pagar Agung seni Saraf Anam:Pertama, dalam seni Sarafal Anam, ada nilai-nilai sosial seperti bekerja sama dan bersama. Pendirian situs pementasan Sarafal Anam, yang dilakukan dalam gotong royong, mencontohkan pentingnya gotong royong. Ender hanya dapat dibentuk dalam kelompok daripada secara individu. Kedua, penggunaan nuansa Arab dan Islami dalam lagu-lagu menunjukkan makna spiritual seni Sarafal Anam. Ini menyampaikan pentingnya utusan Allah dan ketuhanan. Penyampaian ini dimaksudkan untuk membawa orang lebih dekat kepada dewa yang benar. Ketiga, seni Sarafal Anam menempatkan nilai tinggi pada keindahan, sebagaimana dibuktikan dengan melantunkan syair-syair yang sama menyenangkannya dengan yang indah.</p> Trio Adetia Moch. Iqbal Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Islam http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 21 2 216 226 10.36835/jipi.v21i2.3962 Implementasi Metode Ice Breaking Untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Pada Pembelajaran Fiqih https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/pantura/index.php/jipi/article/view/3984 <p>During the learning process, motivation is needed to encourage and encourage students to be motivated in achieving the desired learning goals. This study aims to increase students’ motivation, enthusiasm for learning by using&nbsp; <em>Ice Breaking </em>method, to determine students’ learning motivation before and after the implementation of the <em>Ice Breaking</em> learning through fiqih material during the new normal period at MTs N 1 Palembang in class IX.J This Researcher uses a <em>pre-eksperimental</em> type of research (pre-experimental) with a <em>one –grup pretest-posttest design</em>. The popation in this study is all 152 students of class IX MTs N 1 Palembang. Determining the sample using purposivesampling technique. Then through, data collection techniques through questionnaires and documentation as well as data analysis techniques using validity testing, realiability testing and hypothesis testing using t test (paired samples test) through SPSS Version 23. From the results obtained in this study and the analysis can be seen from the average score of students’ learning motivation before classified as high as 7 students (24%), classified as moderate 7 students (24,1%), and classified as moderate 15 students (51%). And from the average score of students’ learning motivation after the <em>Ice Breaking</em> method was applied, namely students who were classfied as higt as many as 9 students (27,5%), classified as medium 12 students (41,3%), and classified as low 9 students (32%). Meanwhile, based on the t test analysis (paired samples test) obtained as sig value of 0.00 which is smaller than 0.05 (0,00 &lt; 0,05) thus it can be concluded that ho is rejected and Ha is accepted which means there is an increase or difference in student learning motivation between before and after applying the <em>Ice Breaking </em>method</p> Rohmadi Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Islam http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 21 2 227 237 10.36835/jipi.v21i2.3984 Implementasi Keteladanan Rasulullah SAW dalam Meningkatkan Akhlak Peserta Didik di Sekolah Menengah Atas Kota Bandar Lampung https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/pantura/index.php/jipi/article/view/4074 <p>Perbuatan yang dilakukan oleh seseorang tanpa perlu membutuhkan pemikiran terlebih dahulu atau spontan itu adalah akhlak. Secara umum akhlak dalam ajaran agama islam memiliki tujuan akhir yaitu menggapai suatu kebahagiaan baik didunia maupun diakhirat yang diridhoi Allah <em>swt</em> serta disenangi sesama makhluk. Dengan banyaknya perkembangan tekhnologi dan budaya yang membuat perilaku buruk terjadi dimana-mana, dalam keluarga, sekolah, masyarakat, negara bahkan dunia. Dekadensi moral melanda khususnya kalangan remaja yang notabene masih duduk dibangku sekolah. Hal serupa dijumpai pula di salah satu Sekolah Menengah Atas Kota Bandar Lampung.</p> <p>Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Sumber data didapat dari guru pendidikan agama islam, kepala sekolah, peserta didik dan beberapa data pendukung dari guru mata pelajaran lain. Adapun tekhnik pengumpulan datanya, peneliti menggunakan wawamcara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini adalah penerapan keteladanan Rasulullah SAW dalam meningkatkan akhlak peserta didik sudah berjalan dengan baik hal ini ditandai dengan bentuk-bentuk keteladanan yang dilakukan oleh guru seperti, disiplin, tepat waktu, mengucapkan salam, do’a, memberikan nasehat dan komunikasi spontan. Dalam penerapannya ada faktor mendukung seperti faktor pendidik, kemauan dan keinginan, orang tua dan lingkungan. Sedangkan faktor yang menghambat adalah faktor internal dimana muncul naluri malas dan bosan serta faktor lingkungan.</p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci: </strong><em>Keteladanan Rasulullah SAW, Akhlak Peserta Didik</em></p> Jefri Eko Aryanto Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Islam http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 21 2 238 253 10.36835/jipi.v21i2.4074 Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Contextual Teaching And Learning (CTL) Pada Mata Pelajaran Al-Quran Hadis https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/pantura/index.php/jipi/article/view/4104 <p>This study aims to determine the effect of applying the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) learning model on student learning outcomes in Al-Quran Hadith class XI MA Al Asyhar Sungonlegowo Bungah Gresik subject. This research is quantitative. The data collection uses questionnaires and documentation. The issue of this research is class XI students. The population is 44 students. The researcher used a random sampling technique, namely random classes, by taking classes XI IPA and XI IPS, where the entire sample was 34 students. The data analysis technique researchers use is a simple linear regression analysis technique using IBM SPSS Statistics 25. The results of the research conducted show that the application of the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) learning model in the Al-Quran Hadith subject at MA Al Asyhar Sungonlegowo with the mean calculation of the results of distributing questionnaires is equal to 61.91%. There is a significant increase in student learning outcomes after the implementation of the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) learning model has a substantial effect on the learning outcomes of Al-Quran Hadith, as evidenced by an increase in the mean value of 77.71 to 88.56, obtained from the t-test and F-test respectively namely 2.231 and 4.978 with a significance of 0.033 &lt; 0.05. The effect of applying the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) learning model on the learning outcomes of Al-Quran Hadith MA Al Asyhar Sungonlegowo students has an R-value of 0.367</p> Abdul Basir Bintan Maulida Safitri Sunarto Sunarto Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Islam http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 21 2 254 267 10.36835/jipi.v21i2.4104 UNDERSTANDING HOW LEARNING MOTIVATION AND STUDY DISCIPLINE AFFECT THE LEARNING OUTCOMES OF STUDENTS IN SMP NURUL HUDA AL-MASHUDI SAMPANG https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/pantura/index.php/jipi/article/view/4142 <p>Student learning outcomes are important indicators to evaluate the success of learning, including concept understanding, knowledge application and skill development. Learning motivation and learning discipline are identified as key factors that influence student learning outcomes. This study was conducted at SMP Nurul Huda Al-Mashudi Sampang involving all students as respondents. The sampling technique was done by census. The results showed that learning motivation and learning discipline have a significant influence on student learning outcomes. This study makes a theoretical contribution to understanding the dynamics of learning. Practically, the research findings can be used to design more effective educational interventions, and support the improvement of educational policies. By understanding the interaction of these factors, it is expected to improve the quality of learning and student learning outcomes at SMP Nurul Huda Al-Mashudi Sampang and provide guidance for further research</p> Mohammad Hariri Didit Darmawan Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Islam http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 21 2 268 279 10.36835/jipi.v21i2.4142 Peran Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam Dalam Meningkatkan Kedisiplinan Sholat Berjamaah Siswa https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/pantura/index.php/jipi/article/view/4108 <p>This research explores the role of Islamic Religious Education teachers in improving students' discipline in carrying out congregational prayers at MTs Tarbiyatul Islam Karangrejo Ujungpangkah Gresik. The background is based on the phenomenon where some students still depend on teacher instructions to perform prayers; some even hide themselves when asked to do so. Field research methods with a qualitative approach were used to collect data through interviews, observation and documentation. The analysis shows that the teacher's role in fostering student discipline in worship has gone well. Even though there are inhibiting factors that cannot be avoided, the teacher's efforts in providing guidance, direction and explanation have increased students' awareness of carrying out congregational prayers. More than just imposing sanctions for absenteeism from prayer, this approach builds intrinsic awareness in students about the importance of congregational prayer for self-discipline, peace of mind, closeness to God, and strengthening social ties with the surrounding community. These findings illustrate the critical role of teachers in shaping students' spiritual awareness and discipline outside the school environment, creating a more profound impact in forming their character.</p> Alimin Alimin Muhammad Ainur Rofiq Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Islam http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-01-01 2024-01-01 21 2 280 286 10.36835/jipi.v21i2.4108 Penerapan Metode Learning Start With A Question Dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Pendidikan Agama Islam https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/pantura/index.php/jipi/article/view/4106 <p>This research analyzes the application of the Learning Start With a Question method in PAI learning at UPT SMP 23 Gresik. It was found that the teacher succeeded in implementing this method well. The steps involve students in creating questions from the reading material provided, followed by discussion in class. The advantage is the direct involvement of all students in more interactive learning. However, the weakness is that students who are lazy about reading tend to repeat their friends' questions and sometimes ask things outside the material. The descriptive qualitative method allowed researchers to explain the actual conditions in the field. Data was obtained through observation, interviews and documentation, then analyzed through data reduction, presentation and verification. The research showed an increase in average student grades and positive individual achievements. Even though there are weaknesses, such as students not participating enough in reading and sometimes asking questions outside the material, overall, this method successfully improves PAI learning outcomes. Thus, it can be concluded that Learning Start With a Question effectively increases students' understanding of Islamic religious education in class VII SMPN 23 Gresik.</p> Qomaruddin Qomaruddin Moh. Maghfur Hana fuadiah Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Islam http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-01-01 2024-01-01 21 2 287 295 10.36835/jipi.v21i2.4106