AL-FURQAN 2024-03-01T09:13:58+00:00 Khairul Khalqi Open Journal Systems <p>Jurnal Studi Pendidikan Islam <strong>Al-Furqan</strong> merupakan Jurnal Studi Pendidikan Islam yang diterbitkan oleh Program studi Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) pada Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam (STAI) Al-Amin Dompu dengan ISSN Cetak: <a href=";&amp;&amp;&amp;&amp;2252-3812" target="baru">2252-3812</a>&nbsp;dan e-ISSN (Online/elektronik): <a href="">2621-2099</a>, Jurnal ini memuat studi serta kajian-kajian pendidikan Islam dan hasil penelitian kependidikan keagamaan</p> Proses Kognitif dan Pendekatan Brainstorming Dalam Aktivitas Belajar 2024-03-01T09:13:58+00:00 Abdul Haris <p>Education graduates need to have learning achievements that are able to carry out a series of intelligent and responsible actions in carrying out tasks in certain fields of work. In pursuing an educational program, students must be able to equip themselves with learning outcomes that are not limited to mere competence, but rather learning outcomes as an accommodation for mastering cognitive, affective and psychomotor abilities.</p> <p>To have intelligent and responsible actions, they must be trained. One way to train this ability is through practicing expressing opinions about the problems they face or are facing. This method is known as brainstorming. In its mechanism, the application of brainstorming can stimulate thinking activities which are also learning activities. If this mechanism works well, students can build their own learning experiences. This mobilization of thinking abilities is the starting point for taking intelligent and responsible actions in solving the problems they face.</p> <p>Thus, the abilities that are formed are not independent abilities, causing the standard of educational success to be measured only in a limited way by mastering individual abilities. Building thinking skills by brainstorming is expected to familiarize the ability to accommodate all one's abilities in a particular performance. In this way, educational programs can avoid the habit of measuring student learning success in general which is only based on the ability to answer questions separately which often does not originate from thinking activities as a whole but rather originates from the ability to memorize alone.</p> 2024-03-01T09:03:22+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 AL-FURQAN