• Muharir Muharir STAI darul Kamal NW Kembang Kerang
Keywords: Tafsir, takwil, bil matsur, bil ra’yi, lIjmali, Muqarrin, hermaneutika


Holy Qur’an is a holy book that is universally applicable and shalihun likulli zamanin wamakanin character, this concept should be made moral basis - theological in order to answer social problems all time, this is where the dialectic between the revelation, the ratio of mufasir and reality (context) that always functioned in a balanced. Holy Qur’an is the holy book will not be able to give birth to an independent civilization, without dialectics between reason, text and context, dialectical process that will be spawned civilization among Muslims, to borrow a phrase Abu Zaid- Holy Qur’an must be Matij ats- Tsaqafah (Manufacturer civilization). Producing a new meaning in the process of interpreting the text of the holy Qur’an  is a requirement, because everyone cannot run away from the historicity of the surrounding conditions, this is where disposition its urgency  tafsir as a process, begin from the tafsir  bil matsur, bilra'yi, ijmali till Hermeneutics. 


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How to Cite
Muharir, M. (2017). RAGAM TAFSIR : DARI BIL MATSUR KE HERMANEUTIKA. Jurnal Al-Irfani : Jurnal Kajian Tafsir Hadits, 1(1), 31-52. Retrieved from https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/sasambo/index.php/alirfani/article/view/2876

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