• Muhammad Said STAI darul Kamal NW
Keywords: Kalam, Social-Theology, Pluralitic-Piety, Multiculturalism


This article describes about the neccesity of renewal Islamic theology within context of pluralism and multiculturalism. One of contemporary Muslim schoolars, Fethullah Gulen, could be considered among the most influential Muslim theologians of our time. His work focus on redefining the nature of Islamic discourse in the contemporary world by doing interreligious and intercultural dialogue. Nowdays, we need to shift our paradigm from classical kalam which dogmatic, abstract, and exclusive to more practical theology based on life and contemporary needs, which is called “social theologyâ€. Gulen’s theological discourse distinguished for his support of democracy, humanisme, openness to globalization, progressiveness in integrating tradition with modernity, and to make sense of pluralistic-piety.   


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How to Cite
Said, M. (2017). PARADIGMA TEOLOGI SOSIAL : REVITALISASI FUNGSI TEOLOGI ISLAM DALAM KONTEKS MULTIKULTURAL. Jurnal Al-Irfani : Jurnal Kajian Tafsir Hadits, 1(1), 106-151. Retrieved from

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