At-Tadbir : Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam <p>At-Tadbir merupakan jurnal prodi Manajemen Pendidikan Islam STAI darul Kamal NW kembang Kerang Lombok Timur, &nbsp;Jurnal yang terbit satu kali dalam setahun (Januari) ini berisi penelitian-penelitian dan kajian-kajian tentang Manajemen Pendidikan Islam (MPI) &amp; Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) dilihat dari berbagai aspeknya.</p> LP2M STAI Darul Kamal NW Kembang Kerang en-US At-Tadbir : Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam 2580-3433 Implementasi Manajemen Pendidikan Inklusi Pada SD Al Firdaus Surakarta dan SDN Karanganyar Yogyakarta: Suatu Evaluasi Program <p>The purpose of this research is to evaluation the of implementation of inclusive education in SD Al Firdaus Surakarta and SDN Karanganyar Yogyakarta, based on context aspect, input, process and product. Contexts consist of community needs, and program relevance with objectives. Input consists of learners, educators, curriculum, means of infrastructure, and assessment. The process consists of learning planning, implementation of learning, and management. The product consists of learning outcomes of learners seen from cognitive development, motor development, language development, and emotional social development of religion.</p> <p>This research is an evaluation research with analytical tool used is CIPP evaluation model analysis (context, input, process, product). This study used descriptive qualitative method. The information sources from are inclusion counselor teachers, GPK teachers, and classroom teachers. Research data was obtained by observation / observation sheet, documentation / checklist, and interview.</p> <p>The result study of inclusion education at SD Al Firdaus Surakarta and SDN Karanganyar Yogyakarta shows that: (1) The context aspect SD Al Firdaus Surakarta is categorized as an excellent, while SDN Karanganyar Yogyakarta is in the good category. (2) The input aspect SD Al Firdaus Surakarta is very good, while the SDN Karanganyar Yogyakarta is good. (3) The process aspect SD Al Firdaus Surakarta is very good, while the SDN Karanganyar Yogyakarta is good. (4) The product aspects SD Al Firdaus Surakarta is very good while SDN Karanganyar Yogyakarta is good</p> Mashun Mashun Copyright (c) 2020 Mashun Mashun 2020-01-28 2020-01-28 4 1 1 13 10.3454/at-tadbir.v4i1.3690 Penerapan Maqashid Syariah dalam Manajemen Masjid <p>The Mujahidin Mosque is one of the largest mosques and is the center of religious activities in Pontianak. The Mujahidin Mosque functions is more than just a place of worship, but is also a center for the community to study general knowledge, organization skill, and more. This article focuses on the management of the Great Mosque of the Mujahidin, from the perspective of Maqashid syariah in terms of dharuriyyah. This research method is a library research with data sources in the form of relevant printed and electronic data. The results of this study indicate that the management of the Grand Mosque of the Mujahidin is complex and full of consideration starts from practice of strengthening faith (Hifz Al-Din), activities laden with philosophy and positive values (Hifz Al-Nafs), an agenda that involves every generation (Hifz Al-Nasl), a program that empowers inner power and strength (Hifz Al-Aql), as well as financial empowerment practices in society (Hifz Al-Mal).</p> Nove Kurniati Sari Copyright (c) 2020 Nove Kurniati Sari 2020-01-28 2020-01-28 4 1 14 31 10.3454/at-tadbir.v4i1.3704 Islamic Counseling Perspectives on Bibliotherapy Perspectives in Overcoming Student Anxiety Disorders At MA NW Apitaik <p>This study aims to find out how Islamic counseling guidance in overcoming anxiety disorders of students in MA NW Apitaik by using bibliotheraphy techniques is very good for the development of students and teachers at school even though there are still many shortcomings. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive method. The subject of this research is the teacher in Islamic counseling guidance (BKI) related to students' problems with anxiety disorders. One of the goals of Islamic counseling guidance is to direct students to develop their fitrah-faith, by empowering the nature given by Allah SWT to all human beings in the form of: physical, spiritual, nafs, and faith fitrah, the four fitrahs can be contemplated and studied and implemented in accordance with the demands of allah swt and his apostles, so that the fitrah that already exists in the individual can be developed and functioned accordingly , so that humans become noble beings. What often causes anxiety factors to occur is heredity / environmental factors, environmental factors, and personal factors of students. Based on the results of research and discussion it can be concluded that the stages of bibliotheraphy techniques in dealing with student anxiety are very good to use. The Bibliotherapy technique has also been used to deal with a variety of problems, although many other results of studies to focus its use on clients who are depressed and anxious, jeffcoat 2012 found that a bibliotherapy-based self-help program on Acceotance And Commitment Therapy (ACT) is very good for student behavior.</p> Firad Wijaya Copyright (c) 2020 Firad Wijaya 2020-01-29 2020-01-29 4 1 32 47 10.3454/at-tadbir.v4i1.3731 Manajemen Layanan Bimbingan Dan Konseling Di Smp Negeri 1 Aikmel Lombok Timur <p>This study attempts to find out the management of the implementation of guidance and counseling in Curriculum 2013 in SMP Negeri 1 Aikmel Lombok Timur Regency which covers planning, implementation, and evaluation.</p> <p>This study qualitative research with case study design. This object of the study is the management of the implementation of guidance and counseling in SMP Negeri 1 Aikmel Lombok Timur. The main subject are the teachers of guidance and counseling and the supporting subject are headmaster, homeroom teachers, teachers, administration staff, staff of affairs, students parents and students who were selected on certain conciderations (purposive). The data were collected by means of observation, interview and documentation study, then analyzed with a qualitative technique using interactive analysis models suggested by Milles and Huberman, coutaining 3 components which were operated simultaneously, nomely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusioan drawing.</p> <p>The following are the main findings of this research. (1) planning is done in some stages: guidance and counseling teachers meeting for the draft arangement, coordinator meeting with the headmaster, staff of affairs and homeroom teacher for the draft finishing, and the planning arangement by guidance and counseling teachers. (2) the implementation of guidance and counseling is conducted during the lesson periods and out of lesson periods involving the headmaster, the vice headmaster, homeroom teachers, teachers, staff of affairs, administration staff, students parents and other sides from outside the school. The implementation of guidance and counselingcovers basic service, responsive service, system suppots and program management, carried out at school and outside the school. Research hasn’t been conducted. (3) evaluation of only evaluations and execution are carried out. (4) activities undertaken in school and motivation to student motivation that is: there is no special program to increase student motivation (5) management of implementation of BK in accordance with concept of curriculum 2013.</p> Fiziyan Yahya Copyright (c) 2020 Fiziyan Yahya 2020-01-29 2020-01-29 4 1 48 56 10.3454/at-tadbir.v4i1.3750 Developing Interactive Chemistry E-Modul For The Second Grade Students Of Senior High School <p><em>This research study aims to: (1) produce chemistry interactive e-modul for the second grade students of senior high school, (2) identify the feasibility analysis of interactive e-module products on chemistry object, and (3) identify the effectiveness of the interactive e-module product in improving the achievement of learning achievement. This research and development study refer to the stages developed by Thiagarajan (4D). The procedure of the development consists of define, design, and development. The subject small group trial consisted of six second grade students of SMA Islam Al Azhar Yogyakarta. The subjects of field testing in the experiment class consisted of 29 students of XI IPA of SMA Islam Al Azhar Yogyakarta. The data were collected using an evaluation sheet, questionnaire of student’s responses, and achievement tes. The data were analyzed using paired sample t-test with a significance level of 0.05. The research finding reveals that the chemistry interactive e-modul for XI IPA of senior high school according to materials experts and media experts is in a good category. Generally, the application of interactive e-modul is categorized in the very good category and received a positive response from students. There is a difference in the learning achievement between the pre test and post test after using the chemistry interactive e-modul with sig &lt; 0.05. </em></p> Nita Sunarya Herawati Copyright (c) 2020 Nita Sunarya Herawati 2020-01-29 2020-01-29 4 1 57 69 10.3454/at-tadbir.v4i1.3751 Model Pembelajaran dalam Penciptaan Output Siap Karya di Ponpes Darul Falah Pagutan Kota Mataram <p>Pondok pesantren sebagai sekolah keagamaan, sesuai dengan sistem pendidikan nasional, hendaknya tidak hanya fokus pada pendidikan keagamaan, tetapi sangat perlu membekali outputnya dengan ragam keterampilan agar siap berkarya dalam segala aspek kehidupan”.</p> <p>Potensi Ponpes dalam meningkatkan IPM, baik secara nasional dan regional sangat perlu digerakkan, karena fakta membuktikan banyaknya Ponpes di Indonesia, bahkan menjadi cermin spesifikasi dalam pendidikan di Indonesia.&nbsp; Republika melansir ada potensi santri di Indonesia mencapai 3,65 juta jiwa yang tersebar di 25.000-an. Output hasil&nbsp; Ponpes juga telah terbukti mempunyai andil dalam perkembangan Indonesia, tetapi fakta banyaknya potensi output menyebabkan kajian atas model pembelajaran yang dijalankan Ponpes perlu dilakukan.</p> Fawaz Fawaz Copyright (c) 2020 Fawaz Fawaz 2020-01-29 2020-01-29 4 1 70 88 10.3454/at-tadbir.v4i1.3767