• Muhammad Aminullah Institut Agama Islam (IAI) Muhammadiyah Ranggo Bima


Amin al-Khuli puts forward two methodological principles in developing methods of literary interpretation of the Qur’an, which is an ideal method for assessing the literary text. Two of these methods is the study of everything that is around the Quran (dirâsah mâ hawlal Qurân), and the study of the Quran itself (dirâsah fil Qurân nafsih). The measures are undertaken to the attention of the authors to examine how the relationship of literary interpretation methods Quran Amin al-Khuli with hermeneutics and linguistic studies. Broadly speaking Amin al-Khuli effort in developing methods of literature in this commentary, can be said to bring a new perspective in the science of interpretation of the Quran. The most valuable contribution of the methods of literary interpretation Amin al-Khuli is to keep the interpretation of subjectivity commentators. Therefore, the steps performed in the methods can be classified into theoretical hermeneutics and in the study of linguistics can be classified into semantic studies using diachronic analysis.Keywords: Âmîn Al-Khûli, Metode tafsir, Hermeneutik Alquran, Li-nguistik, dirâsah mâ hawlal Qurân, dirâsah fil Qurân nafsih


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