• Samsul Karmaen Institut Agama Islam Nurul Hakim Kediri Lombok Barat


Fiqh is called the produc human thought, in the history of its development tehere has been a prolonged contradiction between thw muslims itself, tehere is even bloodshed due to different schools of thought or religious views. Many among muslims assume that fiqh is a sacred rule, even in certain circumstances one will be afraid to revalue the existing fiqh rules, because it is psychologically burdened by such sacred values. Where in the ideals or goal (maqasid al-syari’ah) created Islamic law is for the benefit of human in maintaining the balance of living the wheel of  life, because the syari’ah is justice, grace and wisdom fol all. The set of maslahat  that comes out of justice is adisorder and chaos, deviates from the welfare to the destruction and story from hikmah testimony, all it is not syari’ah even if interpreted whit how.   Keywords: Fiqh, Maqasid Al-Syari’ah, Islamic Law


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