• Idail Uzmi Fitri Umami Pascasarjana UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta


Moral education for children is very important because children are the next generation of religion, nation and state, imagine what a country would be like if its successor or leader does not have morals and morals, of course what happens is chaos in that country. Moral education for someone should be early because morality is the embodiment of personality that is nurtured from the beginning, fostering good moral character for children certainly starts from the smallest environment of his life, namely the family environment. But the problem that arises is how to educate children correctly and effectively, a term known in children's temperament is the tabula rasa expression which means the child is born like blank paper and innocently does not have any scribble at all that the child carries nothing when born, so this it is the duty of parents to direct their children to where they are going.


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