Penerapan Metode Giving Questions And Getting Answer Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Tentang Adab Shalat Dan Zikir di MTs Raudlatus Sholihin Rangkang Kraksaan Probolinggo

  • syafi'ah sutihat UNZAH Genggong
  • Ainol Universitas Islam Zainul Hasan Genggong
Keywords: Method of Giving Questions and Getting Answer, improved result from learning, courtesy of prayer and zikir


This research is motivated by the low understanding of students in the lessons of moral aqidah about the application of the adab of prayer and remembrance at the Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs). The lower understanding we can see from the initial data of the prior before using the method which suitable at the Akhidah Akhlak Lesson about the existing prayer and Zikir is still a lot of students whose value under KKM (minimal completeness criteria). So it is necessary to apply the learning of using learning by the method of giving questions and getting answer by the teacher to make the atmosphere of the level active and can improve students learning outcomes. In the application of the method of giving questions and get answer calsses are more active because the active student asks and teacher are not only active to explain but also provide questions that are stimulating student knowledge. This research uses the classroom research model (PTK). In this implementation, this research is implemented in two cycles. Research implementation consists of several actions in which discussing material about the existing prayer and zikir. According to the results of the research after using the method of giving question and get answer learning students to become increasing, this is evidenced by the average learning outcomes of class VII Raudlatus Shalihin Rangkang Kraksaan Probolinggo when given the test by researchers worth increased. In the initial data of student solvents show that their average value in the percentage is at 50%, then in the cycle of I complemented increased to 75% and cycle II again increased  by 85%. Interaction between learners and teachers become more conducive. The final data indicates that after performing some actions in two cycles using the method student learning experiencing a rapidly increased.


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