Kajian Kelompok Shalawat Diba’i Dan Barzanji Kelompok As-Salamah Di Dusun Bamakalah, Pamoroh, Kadur, Pamekasan

  • Moh. Faizal Pascasarjana Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim malang, Indonesia
Keywords: Kajian Kelompok Shalawat Diba’i, Barzanji Kelompok As-Salamah Di Dusun Bamakalah, Pamoroh, Kadur, Pamekasan


The purpose of this research is that the activities of sholawat, promising, and giving are a prayer, praise and narration of the history of the Prophet Muhammad that is usually sung to the beat or tone. This Islamic cultural tradition can be categorized as a performing arts group consisting of vocals, music, and without dance or body movements. The approach in this study is a qualitative (qualitative approach) with the type of phenomenological research that comprehensively reveals and formulates field data in the form of a complete verbal narrative and describes the original reality then the data is analyzed. Shalawat activities are carried out and barzanji is carried out at the At-Taqwa Mosque, which is participated by around 50 people from teenagers to the elderly, in which they are held on Monday night Tuesday every week. The existence of this activity aims to read the praises and prayers to the Prophet Muhammad also to strengthen the relationship between these citizens.


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Wawancara dengan Abd. Rofik Hasan selaku ketua kelompok shalawat diba’i dan barzanji. Pada tanggal 09 April 2019, jam 08.00 WIB.
Wawancara dengan Rusdi selaku anggota kelompok As-Salamah pada tanggal 09 April 2019, jam 08.00 WIB.
How to Cite
Faizal, M. (2019). Kajian Kelompok Shalawat Diba’i Dan Barzanji Kelompok As-Salamah Di Dusun Bamakalah, Pamoroh, Kadur, Pamekasan. Al-Makrifat: Jurnal Kajian Islam, 4(2), 56-69. Retrieved from https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/tapalkuda/index.php/makrifat/article/view/3456