Strategi Pondok Pesantren Salafiyah dalam Menghadapi Tantangan di Era Globalisasi di Yayasan Sunniyah Salafiyah Sungiwetan Kec. Pohjentrek Kab. Pasuruan

  • Misbahul Munir Guru PAI SMA Muhammadiyah Kota Pasuruan
Keywords: Islamic Boarding School, Salaf, Globalization Era


This researcher stems from the curiosity of the Author of the Sunniyah Islamic Boarding School Salafiyah Sungiwetan which is quite well known in the community. Besides that, the Sunniyah Islamic Boarding School Salafiyah Sungiwetan is one of the Islamic Boarding Schools with quite a number of students. Besides that, there are many scholars who are alumni of this Islamic Boarding School. From this background the researchers formulated into 3 problem formulas, namely: 1) Strategy of the Sunniyah Islamic Boarding School Salafiyah Sungiwetan. 2) Results of the Sunniyah Salafiyah Sungiwetan Strategy. 3) The inhibiting and supporting factors of the Sunniyah Salafiyah Sungiwetan Islamic Boarding School strategy in the era of globalization. In this study there are several theoretical studies relating to learning strategies such as learning strategies, theoretical studies of Islamic boarding schools, and studies of globalization. What is the strategy that must be carried out to be able to compete in this globalization era. From some of these studies it will add to the validity of this study. As for writing this thesis, the approach used is the Qualitative Descriptive Research approach. Collection of data through various literature. Data collection is done by interview, observation and documentation. The results of the research conducted by the author are the strategies used by the Sunniyah Islamic Boarding School Salafiyah Sungiwetan in facing opposition in the globalization era. So that the students are not obsolete and how the results of the strategies that have been lived. Apart from the results of research on strategies and the results obtained. There are also factors that support and hinder Sunniyah Islamic Boarding School Salafiyah Sungiwetan in carrying out its strategy. Sunniyah Islamic Boarding School Salafiyah Sungiwetan can be said to be able to deal with opposition in the present era. In Sunniyah Salafiyah Sungiwetan there is formal education and there is also preaching to a place that is easily influenced by the times.


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How to Cite
Munir, M. (2020). Strategi Pondok Pesantren Salafiyah dalam Menghadapi Tantangan di Era Globalisasi di Yayasan Sunniyah Salafiyah Sungiwetan Kec. Pohjentrek Kab. Pasuruan. Al-Makrifat: Jurnal Kajian Islam, 5(1), 117-124. Retrieved from