Peran Wanita Karier Terhadap Proses Pendidikan Anak Di Desa Ranuklindungan Kecamatan Grati Kabupaten Pasuruan

  • Nur Hasan Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia Pasuruan Indonesia
Keywords: Peran Wanita Karier, Proses Pendidikan Anak


The role of career women makes a significant contribution to the process of children's education becoming more advanced and better. The problems examined in this thesis are (1) How is the role of career women in children's education in the village of Ranuklindungan Grati Pasuruan. (2) How is the process of children's education in the village of Ranuklindungan Grati Pasuruan. (3) What is the role of career women in the children's education process in Ranuklindungan Grati village, Pasuruan. The literature review in this thesis explains the meaning, requirements, rights and obligations, roles, moral criteria and faith of career women. In addition, it also discusses the understanding of the process, then children's education starting from understanding, types, characters, rights and obligations, choosing the right and good school for naughty children. The results of the research The role of career women in the process of children's education is quite good, as evidenced among them: career women play an active role in children's education and are very concerned about their children's education, can divide time in a balanced way between children and work, and on average, career girls have a good educational process. Keywords: The Role of Career Women, Children's Education Process.


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How to Cite
Hasan, N. (2022). Peran Wanita Karier Terhadap Proses Pendidikan Anak Di Desa Ranuklindungan Kecamatan Grati Kabupaten Pasuruan. Al-Makrifat: Jurnal Kajian Islam, 7(1), 41-50. Retrieved from