Keywords: Professionalism, Teacher, Quality


Educator profession is a profession that is very important in the life of a nation, it is not because the position  of  education  is very important in the context of national life. Educator is the dominant element in a process of education, so that the quality of education  is determined  by the quality of teachers in performing  the role and duties in society. With that in mind, it is clear that the efforts to continue to develop  professional educator (teacher) becomes a necessary condition  for the progress of  a nation, increased quality educators will lead to increased quality of education both process and outcome.Besides, the goverment  should also improve system  performance bad teacher to be more professional. And the effort - effort as it can increase the quality of  teachers. The role of government  in an effort to improve the quality of teachers is very important, the article is the government that is most responsible for  the fate of  the teachers. So if  the government complacent or fail to take care of the fate the teacher, then  this will not affect either the quality and  performance of teachers.The number of personal problems that plagued the teachers, these teachers will tend  to result in more focused in thinking  about personal problems, so this would result in the inhibition of the smooth process of teaching and learning in schools


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