Islamic character; School Culture

  • Leli Lestari


Character education is a system of inculcating character values ​​in all school members which includes components of knowledge, awareness and willingness as well as actions to implement these values. Character is an important pillar in the life of the nation and state. The reality of the moral, moral (character) crisis is marked by many crimes committed not only by adults but also minors, drug abuse, promiscuity, environmental destruction, human rights violations, pornography, motorcycle gangs and the phenomenon of bullying. verbal and non-verbal) are directly or indirectly closely related to education. Educational institutions have a responsibility to instill good character in students. The context of this research is how to plan the implementation of Islamic character education in school culture and the implementation of Islamic character education in school culture. The purpose of this study is to describe the planning of Islamic character education in school culture and describe the implementation of Islamic character education in school culture. This research method uses qualitative methods with descriptive analysis. Data obtained by non-participant observation, interviews and documentation. The subjects in this study were principals, teachers and students of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah NW Sekunyit Praya Central Lombok. The results of the study indicate that planning for Islamic character education in school culture is a principal policy formulated through meetings with educators and education staff. planning is carried out at the beginning of the learning year and is included in the school curriculum, but the implementation of Islamic character education is not internalized into subjects. Implementation The implementation of Islamic character education is carried out by all school members, namely teachers, students and education staff. Implementation is done through habituation and example