Al Qodiri : Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial dan Keagamaan <div style="text-align: justify;"> <div>Al Qodiri : Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial dan Keagamaan diterbitkan oleh Pusat Penelitian, Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dan Publikasi Ilmiah (LP3M) Institut Agama Islam Al-Qodiri Jember yang bekerjasama dengan Kopertais 4 Surabaya.</div> <div>Jurnal ini memuat kajian-kajian pendidikan, Sosial dan Keagamaan.</div> <div>Terbit dua kali dalam setahun pada bulan <strong>April</strong>, <strong>Agustus </strong>dan<strong> Januari</strong></div> <div>Adapun serial number Cetak ataupun online Jurnal ini yaitu: <strong>p-ISSN 2252-4371 </strong>dan<strong> e- ISSN 2598-8735</strong></div> <div>Redaksi Jurnal mengundang para akademisi, dosen, mahasiswa maupun peneliti untuk berkontribusi memasukkan artikel ilmiahnya yang belum pernah diterbitkan oleh jurnal lain. Naskah diketik dengan spasi 1,5 cm pada kertas ukuran A4 dengan panjang tulisan antara 20-25 halaman, 7000-9000 kata. Naskah yang masuk dievaluasi oleh dewan redaksi dan mitra bestari. Redaktur dapat melakukan perubahan pada tulisan yang dimuat untuk keseragaman format, tanpa mengubah substansinya.</div> <div>Alamat Redaksi: Jl. Manggar Gerbang Poreng 139A Patrang Jember. Telp. 0331- 412034, Fax. 0331-427490,48569,</div> <div>Email Jurnal:<strong></strong></div> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> </div> Lembaga Penelitian, Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat dan Publikasi Ilmiah (LP3M) Institut Agama Islam (IAI) Al-Qodiri Jember, Jawa Timur Indonesia bekerjasama dengan Kopertais Wilayah 4 Surabaya en-US Al Qodiri : Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial dan Keagamaan 2252-4371 Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Fikih Berbasis Canva Untuk Meningkatkan Minat Belajar Siswa Di MTsS Al-Ikhlas Tigaraksa Kabupaten Tangerang <p><em>This research aims to develop Canva-based Jurisprudence teaching materials as an alternative to increase student learning motivation. The research method used is development research (Research and Development) with steps to adapt the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). Data collection was conducted through observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The respondents of this study were grade 7 students at MTsS Al-Ikhlas Tigaraksa, Tangerang Regency. The results showed that Fiqik teachers at MTsS Al-Ikhlas Tigaraksa Tangerang have not used canva-based teaching materials, so the interest of students tends to be less. So Jurisprudence teaching materials on congregational prayer were developed in the form of canva-based PPT presentations. After implementation, it is found that the interest of students tends to increase. The development of canva-based teaching materials is still simple, only in the form of PPT which is designed in such a way that it is easy to use by teachers and can increase students' interest in learning. In addition to PPT, Canva can also create other types of teaching materials, such as Images, videos, E-Books, Modules, Benner and Leaflets. The Canva platform can also be used as an online learning medium or E-Learning.</em></p> Neneng Fauziah Asphandi Hidayatullah Copyright (c) 2024 Neneng Fauziah, Asphandi, Hidayatullah 2024-03-29 2024-03-29 22 1 1 14 10.53515/qodiri.2024.22.1.1-14 Konflik Internal Dalam Pencak Silat: Perspektif Hukum Progresif <p><em>Ttraditional martial art that is rich in cultural and historical value, is often considered a symbol of unity and national pride in many Southeast Asian countries, including Indonesia. However, like other organizations or communities, martial art is also vulnerable to internal conflicts which can affect the organization itself and also have a negative influence on the surrounding environment. The purpose of this writing this article to determine the factors that cause internal organizational disputes, especially Petrsaudaraan Setia Hati Terate martial art organization in Madiun and solutions from Hukum Progresif. The research method that the author uses is Qualitative Research, namely by collecting data through observation and interviewing sources. The primary data source used is the martial artists in Madiun City, while the secondary data source used is PSHT trainers, ulama, community leaders, academics in Madiun and surrounding areas. Problems experienced by martial art organizations, especially PSHT leadership disputes in Madiun, can be resolved using Hukum Progresif theory with steps including mediation or dialogue, upholding human rights, fair distribution of human resources and adequate education for leaders. The causal factors are that individual PSHT members do not follow the rules of the organization. The claim of the validity of the recognition was because they were both students of different generations, so turmoil arose which led to conflict.</em></p> SuJono Wisnu Aryo Dewanto Copyright (c) 2024 SuJono, Wisnu Aryo Dewanto 2024-03-29 2024-03-29 22 1 15 29 10.53515/qodiri.2024.22.1.15-29 Manajemen Kearsipan Berbasis Digital Sistem Informasi Mumtaz ( Si Mumtaz ) Di Madrasah Aliyah Zainul Hasan 1 Genggong <p>This research aims to analyze the digital-based archives management of the Mumtaz Information System at Madrasah Aliyah Zainul Hasan 1 Genggong which can realize the quality of records management in administrative services effectively and efficiently at Madrasah Aliyah Zainul Hasan 1 Genggong. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods. The data collection instruments used were interviews, observation and documentation. The research results obtained show that the digital-based archive management of the Mumtaz information system at Madrasah Aliyah Zainul Hasan 1 Genggong through the planning, management, control and supervision stages has been managed effectively and efficiently, however digital archive management has limited storage for many archives. Digital archive management activities include at least two things, namely: archive storage and archive retrieval. Digital archive storage activities are archive management activities that start from transfer of archive media to the arrangement of archives in new media. The use of digital archives already uses the official application from Madrasah Aliyah Zainul Hasan 1 Genggong, for this reason, in realizing the quality of administration of administrative services effectively and efficiently at Madrasah Aliyah Zainul Hasan 1 Genggong, the official application is used, namely the Mumtaz Information System (SI MUMTAZ) in managing archives digitally.</p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em><em>Keywords: Archives Management, Digital and Si Mumta</em><em>z</em></p> Indi Wardah Ismatul Izzah Poppy Rachman Copyright (c) 2024 Indi Wardah, Ismatul Izzah, Poppy Rachman 2024-03-29 2024-03-29 22 1 30 45 10.53515/qodiri.2024.22.1.30-45 Eksplorasi Tantangan dan Solusi Dalam Pembelajaran Berdiferensiasi Pada Kurikulum Merdeka <p>Differentiated learning is a concept from the Independent Curriculum, which is expected to be able to overcome student diversity in learning. In its implementation, there are challenges faced by teachers and of course there are solutions to overcome them. This research method is a literature review (library research). The aim of this research is to explore what challenges are faced in differentiated learning and what solutions to overcome them. There are several challenges, namely: various characters that students have, different student learning styles, each student has their own interests, lack of teacher preparation to implement an independent curriculum, teacher abilities, time factors, high pressure, and expensive costs. The solutions are: organizing an even number of students, using appropriate learning strategies, knowing student interests, providing well-designed teacher training, and sufficient operational funds.</p> <p><strong>Keyword: </strong><em>Challenges, Solutions, Differentiated Learning, Independent Curriculum</em></p> Nur Rahmadani Muthaharoh Riya Kusmita M. Kurniawan Selvi Afitri Ali Iskandar Zulkarnain Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Rahmadani Muthaharoh, Riya Kusmita, M. Kurniawan, Selvi Afitri, Ali Iskandar Zulkarnain 2024-04-19 2024-04-19 22 1 46 53 10.53515/qodiri.2024.22.1.46-53