Al-Insyiroh: Jurnal Studi Keislaman 2023-09-30T09:23:49+00:00 Tri wahyudi Ramdhan Open Journal Systems <p>This journal contains conceptual writings or the results of research on Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies is the development and elaboration of three topics, namely philosophical, sociological and historical approaches with more emphasis on aspects of its application, which include: Islamic Education, Islamic Law and Politics, Islamic economics and Business, Qur'anic and Hadith Studies, Islamic Philosophy, Islamic Thought and Literature, Islamic Social and Culture, Science and Civilization in Islam, Islam and gender. Manuscripts sent are evaluated by the editorial board. Editors can make changes to posts that are loaded for format uniformity, without changing the substance. ISSN: <a href="">2477-4928</a>, E-ISSN: <a href="">2656-6680</a>. Editorial Address: <strong>STAI Darul Hikmah Bangkalan,</strong> Jl. PP. Darul Hikmah Langkap Burneh Bangkalan 69171. Tel / Fax. (031) 3098322, Email: <a href=";passive=true&amp;rm=false&amp;continue=;ss=1&amp;scc=1&amp;ltmpl=default&amp;ltmplcache=2&amp;emr=1&amp;osid=1"></a>. This e-journal is an online version of the print edition published by <strong>LPPPM STAI Darul Hikmah Bangkalan</strong>.</p> Maintaining Integrity and Expanding Authority: The Role of Ulama Women in Madura 2023-02-14T23:20:22+00:00 Naura Safira Salsabila Zain Bhirawa Anoraga Irsyadulhaq Irsyadulhaq <p>In Indonesia, religious authorities are viewed as one of the most influential figures due to the number of pesantren alumni who play important roles in society. As in Madura, religious authorities are the obvious figures within the puritanical, conservative community with a strong religious attachment community. Meanwhile, Ulama women are viewed to have a limited role due to the adoption of patriarchal culture in Madura. In fact, in this modern era, there has been an important transformation done by Ulama women in strategizing <em>daʿwa</em> to significantly influence the ummah, which will be discussed in this research. This paper will first elaborate on the social background, the authority of religious figures, and the roles of women in Madura to broadly observe the role of Ulama women in maintaining their integrity and expanding their authority. The methodology applied in this research is qualitative, with a study case approach in Sampang, Madura. Data are collected from interviews as primary sources and articles related to the topic from books, journals, and documents as secondary sources. The framework used in the research is the concept of new Muslim womanhood in assessing the transformation to increase the reliability and validity of the research.</p> 2023-09-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Al-Insyiroh: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Social Education in The Perspective of The Qur'an (A Study of Comparative Tafsir by Al-Maraghi and Qurthubi) 2023-07-13T04:23:09+00:00 Rofiqi Rofiqi Hendi Sugianto Husniyatus Salamah Zainiyati <p>Al-Qur’an memandang pendidikan sosial sebagai dimensi strategis dalam sistem ajaran dan norma-norma dalam Islam. terdapat banyak ayat al-Qur’an yang memahas tentang urgensi pendidikan sosial bagi umat Islam sehingga hal ini menisyaratkan bahwa ajaran Islam sangat memperhatikan terhadap pendidikan sosial. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengungkap konsep pendidikan sosial dalam Al-Qur’am Surat Luqman ayat 17-19 dalam perspektif Tafsir Al-Maraghi dan Tafsir Al-Qurthubi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah library research di mana data/referensi utama diambil dari dua kitab tersebut dan didukung dengan jurnal-jurnal ilmiah lainnya. hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat persamaan penafsiran dan perbedaan antara  Tafsir Al-Maraghi dan Tafsir Al-Qurthubi dalam menafsirkan Al-Qur’am Surat Luqman ayat 17-19. Persamaannya adalah keduanya menegaskan bahwa manusia harus memperhatikan tata cara dan perilaku dalam pergaulan dengan sesama, serta menjaga kesederhanaan dan merendahkan diri untuk mencapai keselarasan dalam kehidupan. Sementara perbedaanya adalah penekanan pada aspek yang berbeda dalam ayat tersebut. Kitab Al-Maraghi menekankan pada pentingnya menghindari sombong dan membangga-banggakan diri, serta pentingnya bersikap sopan santun dan baik dalam berinteraksi dengan orang lain. Sedangkan Kitab Al-Qurthubi menekankan pada tata cara berjalan di bumi yang seharusnya dilakukan dengan hati yang tulus dan rendah hati, serta pentingnya merendahkan suara dalam berbicara yang menunjukkan sikap rendah hati. Namun, pada dasarnya kedua kitab tafsir sepakat bahwa manusia harus memperhatikan tata cara dan perilaku dalam pergaulan dengan sesama, serta menjaga kesederhanaan dan merendahkan diri untuk mencapai keselarasan dalam kehidupan.</p> 2023-09-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Al-Insyiroh: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Fostering Religious Moderation Values of The Sixth Graders in Sampang, Madura 2023-07-14T13:46:17+00:00 Rusdiyanto Rusdiyanto Indah Werdiningsih Bustomi Arisandi <p>The role of teachers in managing education is crucial for creating a conducive environment that fosters the development of religious moderation values. It goes beyond mere theoretical concepts within specific subjects or programs, aiming to achieve recognition that moderate education is being implemented. The objective of this research is twofold: 1) to analyze the cultivation of religious moderation values in sixth-grade learning at MI Miftahul Ulum Sampang, and 2) to describe the religious moderation values instilled in the sixth-grade students at MI Miftahul Ulum Sampang.</p> <p>This research adopts a qualitative descriptive methodology with a case study design. Data collection involves interviews, observations, and documentation. Data analysis proceeds through three stages: 1) condensing the data, 2) presenting the data, and 3) drawing conclusions and verifying findings. To ensure data validity, triangulation is employed, encompassing source triangulation, technique triangulation, and time triangulation.</p> <p>The findings of this research indicate that the cultivation of religious moderation values in sixth-grade learning at MI Miftahul Ulum Disanah Sampang encompasses various subjects, including thematic learning, Aqeedah (Belief) and Akhlaq (Morality), Quran and Hadith, Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence), Islamic Education, Science, Social Studies, and Arabic language. Furthermore, the religious moderation values identified in the sixth-grade students at MI Miftahul Ulum Disanah Sampang comprise tolerance, equality, moderation, peace, and nationalism.</p> 2023-09-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Al-Insyiroh: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Implementation of the Project-Based Learning Model (PJBL) in Islamic Religious Education Subjects Based on Merdeka Curriculum at SMKN 1 Purwosari Pasuruan 2023-07-13T04:18:35+00:00 Hadi Bustomi Achmad Yusuf Diana Trisnawati <p>This research seeks to determine the process of implementing Islamic Religious Education subject based on Merdeka Curriculum at SMKN 1 Purwosari Pasuruan and the steps. This study was carried out with a qualitative method and descriptive approach. To obtain the datas, the techniques used were: in-depth interviews, observations and documentation. This study indicated that the PjBL in Islamic Religious Education subject at SMKN 1 Purwosari Pasuruan consisted of three main steps: planning step, execution step, and evaluation step. There are six main aspects on project-based learning planning: (1) formulation of learning objectives; (2) students characteristics analysis; (3) learning strategies; (4) making worksheets; (5) designing the need for learning resources; and (6) developing evaluation tools. The implementation of the project-based learning in Islamic Religious Education subject at SMKN 1 Purwosari Pasuruan have met the standards set by the George Lucas Educational Foundation on implementing project-based learning. (1) starting with essential queries; (2) designing a project plan: (3) scheduling; (4) monitoring students and their project progress; (5) assessing learning results; and (6) reflection. At the level evaluation, there are three types of evaluations: formative assessment, summative assessment and diagnostic assessment, including project evaluation</p> 2023-09-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Al-Insyiroh: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Striding Towards Harmony: Research-Based Learning in Islamic Religious Education to Strengthen Washatiyah Islamic Values 2023-07-20T04:50:46+00:00 Rosidi Bahri Nur Kholis Yunus Abu Bakar <p>The attitude of intolerance and rejection of diversity in the school environment and students is based on a narrow religious understanding and mono interpretation. Islamic Religious Education (PAI) learning, which is actually expected to be able to instil the values of Washatiyah Islam, has actually become a trigger for the entry of narrow religious views and understandings. This research seeks to discuss how PAI learning is conducted, with a Research Based Learning (RBL) approach so that the assessment can instil the values of Wahatiyah Islam. The research method was conducted through Systemetical Literature Review (SLR) using the Publish or Perish application as an identification instrument for journal articles. The articles obtained were evaluated based on the criteria of quality, novelty, and suitability to the specific research theme. The results showed that the values of Washatiyah Islam can be instilled in students through the RBL approach in PAI learning. The RBL approach is able to open students' religious thinking horizons widely through critical, analytical and collaborative learning. The RBL approach in PAI learning requires commensurate collaboration between teachers and students in order to get maximum results, especially in instilling the values of Wasshtiyah Islam</p> 2023-09-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Al-Insyiroh: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Determinant Analysis of Muslim Communities Consuming Products Halal Labeled in Bangkalan Regency 2023-07-27T04:25:38+00:00 Mashudi Mashudi Dahruji Dahruji Abubakar Yakubu <p>Products labeled halal are products that have been declared halal according to Islamic law and stipulated by the Ministry of Religion through the Halal Product Assurance Agency (BPJPH) based on the results of an inspection by LPPOM MUI of the product in question, with this product labeled Halal it can meet market demands (consumers). ) universally. So if these demands can be met, economically, Indonesian business people will be able to become hosts in terms of the products being marketed. Not only that, having products labeled halal can protect the faith of consumers, especially those who are Muslim. This means that with labeling, Muslim consumers will no longer hesitate to consume something they need.Researchers used a Quantitative approach to conduct this research. This study aims to find out what factors influence Muslim communities to consume products labeled halal in Bangkalan Regency. There are several factors that can influence Muslim consumers to consume the halal label, such as religious factors, psychological factors, family factors, role and status factors, social factors, and cultural factors. The results of this research later we can find out what factors are more prominent among several existing factors that make the Muslim community in Bangkalan Regency consume products with a halal label.The results of this study from the ten initial factor variables used in this study, after analysis using factor analysis, three new factors were formed, namely: factor 1 is called the credibility factor, with the 3 members being religion, role and status, and social culture. Factor 2 is named as the knowledge factor, with the 5 members being Psychological, Family, Needs, Recommendations, Knowledge. Factor 3 is called a lifestyle factor, with the 2 members being health and lifestyle</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2023-09-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Al-Insyiroh: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Media Literacy: Smart in Making Islamic Content in Social Media in Sei Dadap District, Asahan District 2023-07-27T04:17:17+00:00 Lakum Lakum Nikmah Lubis Uky Firmansyah Rahman Hakim <p>The rapid development of media and communication technology requires audiences to have a number of knowledge and skills called media literacy, in order to use the media correctly. The main target is teenagers. Teenagers as active users of social media need to get attention in the use of social media. Teenagers are the age of self-discovery, high curiosity, and need various education that is used as a reference. But it is very unfortunate if a teenager abuses social media, accesses and consumes media content with various social activities from various Black Mail accounts that display pornographic content / posts, provocations, and many other things that are misused into adolescent consumption that is not appropriate for his age.To prevent these negative things, teenagers need to be equipped with journalistic knowledge so that they can create Islamic creative content as an adaptive step from the use of social media. This ability needs to be possessed by teenagers, especially teenagers from Sei Dadap District. The approach used is qualitative with a descriptive nature. The results showed that Media Literacy activities in Sei Dadap District had a positive impact so that teenagers were able to choose and choose good and true news. Then it is possible to create creative Islamic content on social media as an adaptive step from the use of social media. Creating creative Islamic content on social media is also a da'wah strategy that all social media users are capable of doing. The results of this study are expected to encourage further research in the form of elaboration of media literacy theories and concepts so that they can be translated into the Media Literacy Education curriculum.</p> <p> </p> 2023-09-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Al-Insyiroh: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Implementation of Multicultural Values in Islamic Religious Education Teaching Materials at SMAN 1 Nganjuk 2023-07-27T04:13:05+00:00 Firmansyah Firmansyah Junaidi Junaidi Yuldashev Azim Abdurakhmonovich <p>Research This is field research with use approach qualitative case study for identify contained multicultural values in PAI and BK teaching materials . Besides that's the goal study This Also reveal How values mentioned implemented to in learning in class. For this reason, this research leads to the documentation of learning tools for Islamic religious education and the data is analyzed using an interactive model from Miles and Huberman.. Results from study This is PAI textbook at SMA Negeri I Nganjuk normatively trying _ accommodate found multicultural values includes a) Attitude democracy b) Tolerance and c) Anti- violence. In context delivery mark Multicultural in class . PAI learning, Islamic religious education teachers at SMA 1 try to synergize these multicultural elements that are adapted to the material and learning objectives , so that in the learning process in the classroom a multicultural nuance grows</p> <p> </p> 2023-09-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Al-Insyiroh: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Contextualisation of Jasser Auda's Maqāṣid Sharī'ah on Hysterectomy (Surgical Removal of The Uterus) 2023-09-02T04:31:40+00:00 Denny Firmansyah R. Tanzil Fawaiq Sayyaf Khadijeh Ahmadi Bighash <p>Hysterectomy (surgical removal of the uterus) is an alternative method of removing the cervix from a woman’s body through surgery. This action has implications for infertility, so the patient is sentenced to be unable to carry a fetus in the womb forever. Hysterectomy is part of a contemporary problem that requires Islamic legal policies to solve the problem. This article aims to determine the hysterectomy procedure with various backgrounds, causes, and reasons, which are interpreted contextually based on a more comprehensive maqāṣid sharī’ah perspective using the theory of a well-known contemporary intellectual figure, namely Jasser Auda. The type of research used refers to library research which is included in the qualitative realm with a descriptive-analytic approach method to produce facts from a particular phenomenon. The results of this study indicate that hysterectomy can be viewed based on context by using the maqāṣid sharī’ah system theory according to Jasser Auda through six features, namely Cognitive Nature, Wholeness, Openness, Interrelated Hierarchy, Multidimensionality, and Purposefulness.</p> 2023-09-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Al-Insyiroh: Jurnal Studi Keislaman