Fintech: Journal of Islamic Finance 2024-07-22T08:18:52+00:00 Mohsi Open Journal Systems <p>Fintech: Journal of Islamic Finance</p> Strategi Pemasaran dalam Meningkatkan Penjualan Mebel Kayu U.D Barokah di Desa Karduluk Pragaan Sumenep dalam perspektif Ekonomi Syariah 2024-06-11T03:37:14+00:00 Nurussaniyah Nurussaniyah Dita Askhatika Putri Uswatun Chasanah <p>Business is an activity that requires a serious understanding, the most important thing that a person must do in running a business is to develop a strategy so that the business can be profitable and have good prospects. One of the strategies used in business is the application of Islamic content which consists of the application of Islamic marketing strategy theories and concepts and the application of Islamic marketing characteristics. In this strategy, 4P is applied which consists of products, prices, promotions, and locations combined with Santi Mebel's segmentation, targeting, and positioning techniques to win the competition in the market. This aims to find out how U.D Barokah's Islamic marketing strategy increases sales. This study uses a field research method using a qualitative approach. Meanwhile, the data collection techniques used are interviews, observations and documentation. Research Results Based on the results, it can be concluded that U.D Barokah runs its business using the 4P STRATEGY. U.D Barokah has the advantage that the products produced are superior products using the best quality. The marketing strategy is also inseparable from sharia principles, namely honest (siddiq), trustworthy (amanah), and smart (Fathanah).</p> 2024-07-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Fintech: Journal of Islamic Finance Analisis Penerapan Etika Bisnis Islam Pada Transaksi Penjualan Online Di Shopee 2024-07-17T04:31:42+00:00 Sumarti Puji Lestari Misbakhussurur Misbakhussurur <p><em>Online sales have become a phenomenon that dominates the global market, including on popular platforms such as Shopee. In this context, it is important to evaluate business practices ethically, especially for business people who follow the principles of Islamic Business Ethics. Sellers must be trustworthy by displaying an attitude of openness, honesty, optimal service, and doing good in everything, especially those related to community service. This research aims to analyze the application of Islamic Business Ethics in online sales transactions on the Shopee platform. The analysis results show that although there are efforts to implement Islamic Business Ethics, there are still challenges faced in the context of online transactions. This research provides a better understanding of how Islamic Business Ethics can be applied effectively in the online business environment, as well as providing recommendations for improving its implementation on platforms such as Shopee</em>.</p> 2024-07-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Fintech: Journal of Islamic Finance Implementasi Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Keummatan Dalam Perspektif Maqosid Syari’ah 2024-07-22T08:16:42+00:00 Prayudi Kumala <p><em>Economic growth is an increase in goods and services. Judging from changes in output in the community's economy. So that economic growth can be created, for example from prosperity and wealth. This research aims to explore the implementation paradigm of public economic growth from an Islamic economic perspective. This means that there are different points of view regarding conventional economics and Islamic economics. Islamic economics has aims and objectives (maqasid) that emphasize aspects of morality and aspects of moral quality. Progress in various sectors is one measure of development, but in Islamic economics prosperity is based on four principles, tawhid, rububiyyah, khalifah, tazkiyah.</em></p> 2024-07-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Fintech: Journal of Islamic Finance