Problematika Dualisme Ideologi dan Kelembagaan Pendidikan Islam


  • Fathorrahman Z STAI Nazhatut Thullab Sampang



Abstrak: Dualisme pendidikan di Indonesia telah menjadi dilema yang belum dapat diselesaikan hingga sekarang. Dualisme ini tidak hanya berkenaan dengan sistem pengajarannya tetapi juga menjurus pada keilmuannya. Pola pikir yang sempit cenderung membuka gap antara ilmu-ilmu agama Islam dan ilmu-ilmu umum. Padahal dikotomi keilmuan ini justru menjadi garapan bagi para pakar pendidikan Islam untuk berusaha menyatukan keduanya. Dualisme pendidikan Islam juga muncul dalam bidang manajerialnya, khususnya di lembaga swasta. Lembaga swasta umumnya memiliki dua top manager yaitu kepala madrasah dan ketua yayasan (atau pengurus). Meskipun telah ada garis kewenangan yang memisahkan kedua top manager tersebut, yakni kepala madrasah memegang kendali akademik sedangkan ketua yayasan (pengurus) membidangi penyediaan sarana dan prasarana, sering di dalam praktik terjadi overlapping. Praktek manajemen di madrasah sering menunjukkan model manajemen tradisional, yakni model manajemen paternalistik atau feodalistik. Dominasi senioritas semacam ini terkadang mengganggu perkembangan dan peningkatan kualitas pendidikan.   Kata Kunci: idealisme, kelembagaan, pendidikan islam   Abstract: The dualism of education in Indonesia has become a dilemma that has not been resolved until now. This dualism is not only concerned with the teaching system but also leads to its scholarship. A narrow mindset tends to open the gap between the sciences of Islam and the general sciences. Yet this dichotomy of science is actually a claim for Islamic education experts to try to unite the two. Islamic education dualism also emerged in the managerial field, especially in private institutions. Private institutions generally have two top managers: the head of the madrasah and the chairman of the foundation (or caretaker). Although there is a line of authority that separates the two top managers, ie the head of the madrasah holds academic control while the chairman of the foundation (caretaker) in charge of the provision of facilities and infrastructure, often in the practice of overlapping. Management practices in madrasas often show a traditional management model, the paternalistic or feudalistic management model. Such seniority dominance sometimes interferes with the development and improvement of the quality of education.   Keywords: idealism, institution, Islamic education




How to Cite

Z, Fathorrahman. “Problematika Dualisme Ideologi Dan Kelembagaan Pendidikan Islam”. KABILAH : Journal of Social Community 2, no. 1 (November 5, 2017): 102–117. Accessed July 27, 2024.




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