Jurnalis Dalam Tinjauan Sosial Ekonomi Politik Pada Konflik Sunni-Syiah di Kabupaten Sampang


  • Abd Aziz UNAIR Surabaya
  • Matnin Matnin IAI Al-Khairat Pamekasan




Abstrak Pemberitaan hasil liputan wartawan mengenai konflik bernuansa Sara antara kelompok Islam Syiah dan kelompok Islam Sunni yang terjadi di Sampang Madura Jawa Timur pada 26 Agustus 2012 telah menyebabkan satu orang meninggal, dan enam orang lainnya luka-luka, serta sebanyak 47 rumah warga Syiah ludes dibakar kelompok penyerang. Sedikitnya 282 warga Syiah di Desa Karang Gayam, Kecamatan Omben, dan Desa Blu'uran, Kecamatan Karangpenang, Sampang harus dievakuasi akibat konflik berdarah tersebut. Studi ini, mengkaji tentang kecenderungan keberpihakan media dan wartawan lokal dalam produksi berbeda, seperti sudut pengambilan engle berita, serta faktor-faktor lain yang mempengaruhi wartawan dalam menyajikan hasil liputan yang berbeda. Fokus studi pada media daring lokal dan nasional dengan memperhatikan beberapa hal Antara lain kedalaman informasi, upaya mengembalikan hak-hak kelompok Islam Syiah sebagai kelompok minuritas yang telah terusir dari kampung halamannya, serta analisa kecenderungan keberpihakan media lokal dalam menyajikan berita tentang konflik Syiah-Sunni tersebut yang hingga kini belum tuntas.   Kata Kunci: Jurnalis, Konflik, Sunni-Syi’ah Sampang   Abstract Reporting on reporters' coverage of Sara's conflict between Shia Islamic groups and Sunni Islam groups that took place in Sampang Madura, East Java on August 26, 2012 caused one person to die, and six others were injured, and 47 Shiite homes were burnt by groups. attacker. At least 282 Shia residents in Karang Gayam Village, Omben Subdistrict, and Blu'uran Village, Karangpenang District, Sampang had to be evacuated due to the bloody conflict. This study, examines the tendency of the media and local journalists to take sides in different productions, such as the angle of taking engle news, and other factors that influence journalists in presenting different coverage of the coverage. The focus of the study is on local and national online media by taking into account several things, including the depth of information, efforts to restore the rights of Shiite Islamic groups as a group of minors who have been expelled from their homes, and analysis of local media bias in presenting news about the Shiite-Sunni conflict which until now has not been completed.   Keywords: Journalists, Conflict, Sunni-Shi’a Sampang




How to Cite

Aziz, Abd, and Matnin Matnin. “Jurnalis Dalam Tinjauan Sosial Ekonomi Politik Pada Konflik Sunni-Syiah Di Kabupaten Sampang”. KABILAH : Journal of Social Community 3, no. 2 (December 1, 2018): 223–240. Accessed July 22, 2024. https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/madura/index.php/kabilah/article/view/3411.




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