Sikap Ormas-Ormas Islam Lokal Di Pamekasan Terhadap Radikalisme Agama


  • Ibnu Ali Universitas Islam Madura
  • Mujiburrahman Mujiburrahman Universitas Islam Madura



ABSTRAK Term radikalisme agama merupakan pembahasan yang sensitif dan dinilai berpotensi mendiskreditkan kelompok tertentu. Di kalangan pemikir belum ada kesepatan terminologis tentang radikalisme agama. Penelitian ini bertujuan mencari tahu bagaimana sikap ormas-ormas Islam lokal di Pamekasan terhadap radikalisme agama. Peneliti memfokuskan objek penelitian pada ormas-ormas Islam lokal di Pamekasan yaitu NU, Muhammadiyah, SI, Persis, Hidayatullah, dan FPI. Dengan metode kualitatif, data diambil melalui wawancara secara terstruktur terhadap sample yang diambil dari ormas, baik secara acak atau secara kolektif. Hasilnya, sikap ormas tersebut dapat dipahami dalam tiga komponen, yaitu kognitif, afektif, dan konasi. Secara kognitif, ormas-ormas tersebut memberikan pandangan yang berbeda-beda tentang term radikalisme agama. Ada yang mendefinisikan dengan jelas, baik secara luas maupun sempit. Ada yang tidak memberikan definisinya. Secara afektif, mayoritas menganggap persoalan ini sebagai isu dan stigma sehingga mayoritas mereka tidak setuju dengan term radikalisme agama. Dan secara konasi semua ormas Islam mengambil peran dalam menghadapi persoalan tersebut meski dengan intensitas yang berbeda.   Kata Kunci: Sikap ormas, radikalisme ABSRACT The term religious radicalism is a sensitive discussion and is considered to have the potential to discredit certain groups. There is no terminological agreement among thinkers about religious radicalism. This study aims to find out how the attitudes of local Islamic organizations in Pamekasan towards religious radicalism. Researchers focused on the object of research on local Islamic organizations in Pamekasan, namely NU, Muhammadiyah, SI (Syarikat Islam), Persis, Hidayatullah, and FPI. With a qualitative method, data were collected through structured interviews with samples taken from mass organizations, either randomly or collectively. The planned output is an accredited national journal, while the additional quotation is just books.As a result, the attitudes of these organizations can be understood in terms of three components, namely cognitive, affective, and conative. Cognitively, these mass organizations provide different views on the term religious radicalism. There are those who define it clearly, both broadly and narrowly. Some didn't give the definition. Affectively, the majority considered this issue as an issue and a stigma so that the majority of them did not agree with religious radicalism. And conventionally all Islamic mass organizations take a role in dealing with these problems even though with different intensities.   Keywords: the attitude of local Islamic organization, Radicalism




How to Cite

Ali, Ibnu, and Mujiburrahman Mujiburrahman. “Sikap Ormas-Ormas Islam Lokal Di Pamekasan Terhadap Radikalisme Agama”. KABILAH : Journal of Social Community 5, no. 2 (December 14, 2020): 1–14. Accessed February 25, 2025.




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