Abstrak: Tujuan dilakukan penulisan jurnal ini ialah peneliti ingin menganalisis lebih dalam mengenai hak atas nafkah ‘iddah istri yang menggugat cerai suaminya di dalam artikel jurnal yang berjudul “Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Hak Atas Nafkah ‘Iddah Istri Yang Mengajukan Cerai Gugat Perspektif SEMA Nomor 3 Tahun 2018â€. Yang menjadi permasalahan dalam pemberian nafkah ‘iddah istri ialah apakah istri yang mengajukan cerai gugat tetap mendapatkan hak nafkah ‘iddahnya? Bagaimana perspektif SEMA No. 3 Tahun 2018 dalam menetapkan hak nafkah seorang istri? Seorang wanita yang diceraikan suaminya, jika talaknya talak satu atau talak dua, dan masih dalam masa ‘iddah, maka statusnya masih suami-istri sehingga wajib dinafkahi oleh suaminya. Menurut Hukum Islam, jika suami merasa dirugikan dengan perilaku dan kondisi istrinya, ia berhak menjatuhkan talak. Begitu pula sebaliknya, jika istri minta cerai karena tidak bahagia dan merasa dirugikan dengan perilaku dan kondisi suaminya, ia dapat melakukan gugatan cerai. Proses gugatannya dapat melalui khulu’ maupun fasakh. Hak seorang istri sesudah menggugat cerai suami berupa nafkah ‘iddah dapat dianggap sebagai kewajiban dari mantan suami kepada seorang istri sesudah diceraikan. Ini adalah suatu sikap yang sepatutnya dilakukan oleh suami karena nafkah ‘iddah bisa meringankan beban istri selama masa ‘iddahnya. Akan tetapi tidak dipungkiri bahwa nafkah ‘iddah harus memperhatikan keadilan dan keseimbangan dengan melihat fakta kemampuan ekonomi suami dan fakta kebutuhan pokok hidup istri. SEMA No. 3 Tahun 2018 menyatakan hak istri setelah menceraikan suaminya adalah mendapat nafkah ‘iddah dari bekas suaminya, kecuali ia nusyuz. Kata Kunci: Nafkah ‘Iddah Istri, Cerai Gugat, SEMA No. 3 Tahun 2018 Abstract: The purpose of writing this journal is that researchers want to analyze more deeply about the right to provide for 'iddah wives who sue for divorce from their husbands in a journal article entitled "Legal Protection of the Right to Livelihood 'Iddah Wives Who File for Divorce SEMA Perspective Number 3 of 2018". The problem in providing for the wife's 'iddah is whether the wife who files for divorce still gets the right to provide for her 'iddah? What is the perspective of SEMA No. 3 of 2018 in determining the right to provide for a wife? A woman who is divorced by her husband, if her talaq is talaq one or talaq two, and is still in the period of 'iddah, then her status is still husband and wife so that she is obliged to be provided for by her husband. According to Islamic Law, if the husband feels aggrieved by his wife's behavior and condition, he has the right to impose talaq. Vice versa, if the wife asks for a divorce because she is unhappy and feels aggrieved by her husband's behavior and condition, she can file for divorce. The lawsuit process can go through khulu' or fasakh. The right of a wife after suing her husband for divorce in the form of 'iddah can be considered as an obligation from the ex-husband to a wife after divorce. This is an attitude that should be done by the husband because the 'iddah can ease the burden of the wife during her 'iddah. However, it is undeniable that the income of 'iddah must pay attention to justice and balance by looking at the facts of the husband's economic ability and the fact of the basic needs of the wife's life. SEMA No. 3 of 2018 states that the right of a wife after divorcing her husband is to earn 'iddah from her ex-husband, unless she is nusyuz. Keywords: Nafkah 'Iddah Wife, Divorce, SEMA No. 3 of 2018Downloads
How to Cite
Rahman, Muhammad Aidil, and Fauziah Lubis. “PERLINDUNGAN HUKUM TERHADAP HAK ATAS NAFKAH ’IDDAH ISTRI YANG MENGAJUKAN CERAI GUGAT PERSPEKTIF SEMA NOMOR 3 TAHUN 2018”. KABILAH : Journal of Social Community 8, no. 1 (June 25, 2023): 935–943. Accessed March 29, 2025.
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