Implikasi Pembiasaan Sholat Subuh Terhadap Istiqomah Santri Dalam Belajar Ilmu Agama Islam

  • Mohammad Rifangi STIT Islamiyah Karya Pembangunan Paron Ngawi
Keywords: Habituation, Islamic Religious Knowledge, Istiqomah, Student, Subuh Prayer


Abstract: This research aims to determine the implications of the habit of subuh prayers on istiqomah students in learning Islamic religious knowledge. The research method uses qualitative case study research. Data collection methods use in-depth interviews, observation and documentation. data validation using triangulation techniques. The subjects consisted of three male students who underwent the morning prayer habituation program at the Arbary Qohar Islamic boarding school. The results of the research show that the impact of morning prayer on istiqomah of the heart shows that there is additional enthusiasm or energy in the students in strengthening their intention to study. The implications of the morning prayer for the istiqomah actions of students implementing Islamic religious teachings in daily life according to Islamic teachings. Meanwhile, the benefits of morning prayers in verbal istiqomah increase enthusiasm for reading books and discussing Islamic religious knowledge. In particular, it was found in subjects who felt that morning prayer was a means of meditation that strengthened them physically and mentally, because morning prayer was considered to be able to reduce stress so they were more enthusiastic about learning Islamic religious knowledge. Further research can examines the correlation between the ability to manage time and the discipline of morning prayers as well as the implications of the discipline of morning prayers on managing student stress.


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How to Cite
Mohammad Rifangi. (2024). Implikasi Pembiasaan Sholat Subuh Terhadap Istiqomah Santri Dalam Belajar Ilmu Agama Islam. Althanshia: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam, 2(2), 43-52.