Al-Adabiya : Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Keagamaan al-Adabiya adalah Jurnal Ilmiah yang terbit dua kali dalam setahun. Jurnal yang terbit mulai tahun 2006 yang memiliki ISSN 1907-1191 dan E-ISSN 2540-9204 ini merupakan ruang ekspresi kegelisahan intelektual para civitas akademika dan mereka yang haus akan ilmu pengetahuan, khususnya yang berkaitan dengan persoalan-persoalan kebudayaan dan keagamaan. en-US (Rizki Amalia Sholikhah) (Muhammad Misbahuddin, M.Hum) Tue, 07 Mar 2017 00:44:05 +0000 OJS 60 ARKOUN DAN KRITIK NALAR ISLAM If a community crisis brought on criticism of thought and culture, the crisis of culture itself bring on criticism of reason, or at least brought to the criticism against itself, that criticized the rules of reason and mechanism of the mind as well as the discussion of logic and method validation. Criticism of this kind can be understood and seen as an anxiety to realize that Islam has direct relevance to the concerns and humanitarian projects. This paper is intended to answer some of the following issues: What exactly is meant by Arkoun with his critique of Islamic reasoning and what is behind them anyway? How shades and nuances of his Islamic thought ( or his critique of reason)? Ahmad Syafi'i ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 01 Jul 2015 00:00:00 +0000 FAMILISM DAN GUANXI PADA CHINESE WORK VALUE PERSPEKTIF ETIKA BISNIS ISLAM (STUDI PADA ETNIS CINA DI MADIUN) This work is motivated by factors of business success and trade ethnic Chinese businessmen in Indonesia The phenomenon of ethnic Chinese success is inseparable values and principles rooted him called Chinese Work Value in particular the principle of familism and guanxi. Viewed objectively, these two principles are very big role on the business strategy of ethnic Chinese. Through empirical study with a phenomenological approach, the results of this work were once answered two focus of the study, among other things: first, that the principle familsm and guanxi in Chinese Work Value rests on a foundation of thinking of Chinese about the business world highly value the reality and rational demonstrated through attitude kinship, relationship-oriented, respect for social order for the purposes of their business success. Secondly, there is the side where the principle familsm and guanxi in Chinese Work Value in accordance with Islamic business ethics as it is equally forward the principles of the best in the business, among others: thrift, think ahead, a high work ethic, to act quickly and proactively, meticulous, thorough, promoting honesty, good service, not easily give up and network expansion. However, there is a point that can not be reconciled with the Islamic business ethics when faced with the strategy of expanding networking (building networks and relationships) that one part of the principle of familism. Ethnic Chinese prefer the family or fellow ethnic Chinese to achieve equitable prosperity. In Islam, the expansion of networking and relationships more mengedapankan principles of equality and brotherhood principles framed in the concept ta'awun and brotherhood that does not discriminate between families, groups and classes of other socio-economic. Ririn Tri Puspita Ningrum ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 01 Jul 2015 00:00:00 +0000 STATUS HUKUM ANAK BERKAITAN DENGAN KEWARGANEGARAANNYA DALAM PERKAWINAN CAMPURAN BERDASARKAN HUKUM INDONESIA (Perkawinan antara WNI dengan WNA) Mixed marriage between Indonesian citizen with a foreign citizen is not a familiar thing happening in our country. So it should be a legal protection in this mixed marriage be accommodated properly in law in Indonesia, especially legal protection for the child or the nationality of the child born of the marriage. Indonesian citizenship law No. 62 of 1958 (that called as the old Citizenship Law) and the Indonesian Citizenship Law No. 12 of 2006 (that called as the New Citizenship Law) does not give Indonesian citizenship status automatically to female of foreign citizen who married with male citizen of Indonesia, but if the foreign national citizen wants to be an Indonesian citizenship, he must submit a formal application in accordance with applicable regulations. Likewise, women citizens who are married to a foreign citizen may retain citizenship of Indonesia, when he started to follow citizenship husband became foreigners, then the woman is required to apply under applicable regulations as stipulated in Articles 7 and 8 of the Old Citizenship Law, and Article 26 of the New Citizenship Law. Such things can make a difference of citizenship in a mixed marriage. Along with the attachment of dual citizenship is limited to the child of a mixed marriage, then the child is subject to the jurisdiction of the two countries two related nationality of both parents. Rif’ah Roihanah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 01 Jul 2015 00:00:00 +0000 “PARENTING FOR CHARACTER BUILDING”: MEMBENTUK KARAKTER ANAK DARI KELUARGA The family has an important role in shaping the character of a child. The family is the smallest of a social system in which may consist of father, mother, and children who each have a role, families instill moral values in the personality of a child, while the child is the fruit of a happy family. The family now has a more complex function that includes the functions of production and consumption, the development of a child's character is influenced by the treatment against the family, which in turn can be said that the family has a very important role in shaping the character of a child. The character was the same as in the view of Islamic morality, morality in the Islamic view is that personality. The three components of personality that knows: attitudes, and behavior. For that being a parent is part of the family does not mean stop learning, Long life learning is a principle that must be held by a parent. Learn and teach children about life is a function of parents who were serious about their lives and the lives of children and grandchildren Samsudin samsudin ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 01 Jul 2015 00:00:00 +0000 ANALISIS STRATEGI PROMOTION MIX DALAM MENCIPTAKAN WORD OF MOUTH COMMUNICATION (Studi kasus di INSURI Ponorogo) The purpose of this research is the first to analyze how the strategy INSURI promotion mix in Ponorogo, and secondly to analyze how the strategic implications promotion mix in creating word of mouth communication. The results of this study is that the strategy undertaken by the Promotion Mix INSURI using four strategies, namely Strategic Air Attack, Artillery Strategy, Strategy Kavileri, and strategies Infantry. The first strategy is done in the form of radio promotions, banners, brochures, and pamphlets and similar media. While the second strategy takes the form of an informal approach to the forum and organizational NU, third done with the strategy of mentoring to high school /. MA on the eve of National Examination and fourth strategy is done by volunteers door to door by students or faculty. The second strategic implications Promotion Mix is actually able to create WOM communication among the students but more dominated by Talking only, and has not reached the stage of promoting or selling. That is done by the promotion mix INSURI only had implications for the creation of discussion among students that the majority do not lead to a sale. Suad Fikriawan ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 01 Jul 2015 00:00:00 +0000 SEJARAH PERWAKAFAN DI TIMUR TENGAH DAN INDONESIA Waqf is a legal act of a person or legal entity that separates the majority of the wealth in the form of lands and institutionalize forever for the sake of worship or other public purposes in accordance with the teachings of Islam. The term endowments known when the Prophet Muhammad SAW migrated to Medina and formed in the second year Hijri. Charitable endowments made by Umar form of land at Khaibar, which was followed by Abu Talha who donated his favorite garden "bairoha". Next followed by other companions, like Abu Bakr, Uthman, Ali, Anas bin Malik, Abdullah ibn Umar, Zubair ibn Awwam, and by Aisha the wife of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. The fact of charity waqf is then carried out by Muslims around the world from time to time as the charity of worship to God. Number of endowments and its use is not limited to building places of worship or religious activity, but is for the benefit of humanity and the common good. Egypt is a muslim country that is very much of waqf, so as to overcome these endowments there is a special department set up and maintain. Tauba bin Namir (Qadhi) was an Egyptian at the time of Hisyam ibn Abdul Malik early to do so. The waqf treasures are at the mercy owners and the people who will be given in the endowment. Waqf in Egypt under the supervision of the qadhi, so they have a special attention to maintaining the waqf property. Abu Tahir Abdul Malik ibn Muhammad al-Hazmi one qadhi of Egypt in the year 173 H. always supervise endowment treasures as much as three days a month, he advocated and renovate and clean the dust attached to the waqf. He has a few workers, if they see something wrong with the goods endowments, the worker was beaten ten times. Before PP. No. 28 Th 1977, since Islam arrived in Indonesia endowments have been implemented based on understanding adopted by the Indonesian muslim community, namely schools shafi'ites and customs. New in 1905 M. issued by the dutch sirkulir contained in BS (Bijblad) No. 6196 dated June 31. BS (Bijblad) is a new set waqf of mosque and shrine. BS (Bijblad) it is stated that for those who want to carry out the required waqf first requesting permission from the regent, but this rule is considered by the Indonesian muslim community as a tool to limit their worship. BS (Bijblad) it was ordered to enroll regent waqf land and mosques. After PP. No. 28 Th 1977, the government regulation based on three main motifs, namely: 1) Religious motive, endowments as religious institutions as a means of religious nature. 2) Regulation of waqf, previously there was no adequate legal of waqf completely, such as the absence of data on waqf. 3) The existence of a solid legal basis, namely the enactment UUPA No. 5 Th 1960, in particular article 14 [1] (b) and article 49 [3].The content of the PP. No. 28 Th 1977 which consists of 7 chapters and 18 chapters, summarized as follows: Chapter 1; on general provisions. Chapter 2; of the functioning of endowments. Chapter 3; on the procedures for donating and registering land. Chapter 4; about the change, completion, and supervision of waqf lands. Chapter 5; of the penal provision, section 6 of the transitional provisions, and section 7 of the Act. Kadenun Kadenun ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 01 Jul 2015 00:00:00 +0000 KURIKULUM DARI MASA KE MASA (Telaah Atas Pentahapan Kurikulum Pendidikan Di Indonesia) The curriculum is an important element in any form and models of education. Since the days of Dutch colonizers in Indonesia there were already implemented in the curriculum of formal education. Curriculum devolepment in Indonesia there are 2 periods of ; 1) The period before independence day 2) The period after independence day. In the course of history since independence in 1945, the national curriculum has changed, namely in 1947, 1952, 1964, 1968, 1975, 1984, 1994, 2004, 2006 and that is still the stage of completion is curriculum 2013. The changes are a logical consequence of the change of political, system, social, cultural, economic, science and technology in society and nation. Fitri Wahyuni ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 01 Jul 2015 00:00:00 +0000 PENINGKATAN HASIL BELAJAR MATA KULIAH PENGANTAR ILMU HUKUM MELALUI TUGAS TERSTRUKTUR DI LEMBAGA PENDIDIKAN TINGGI AGAMA The purpose of learning in every course is to get the best successful achievement. Because of that, it is necessary to have the earnest effort to get it, such as creating effectif ways in all of the activity through structured task, that arrange in such a way. Thus, it is expected that good planning, will get good results. This research involved 88 students from Syari’ah major, that follow the course. Structured tasks carried out in a number of stages that include the design phase, the implementation phase in the classroom, and the assessment phase (evaluation). Each phase will be done strictly and neat, which is expected to obtain a satisfactory result. munawir munawir ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 01 Jul 2015 00:00:00 +0000