: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan dan Keagamaan Islam2024-11-21T14:25:35+00:00Sumarnogusmarno1912@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p><strong>Al-Lubab: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan dan Keagamaan Islam</strong> (p-ISSN: <a title="p-ISSN" href="[]=MUST=allissnbis=%222502-1850%22&search_id=29596468" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2502-1850</a> and e-ISSN: <a title="e-ISSN" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2776-8236</a>) is scientific journal of <strong>Islamic education</strong>. It is an international peer-reviewed and open access journal. The aim of Al-Lubab journal is to publish high-quality articles dedicated to all aspects of the latest outstanding developments in the field of Islamic education. The scope of this journal is about Islamic education, moral education, education of Pesantren, education system and management, education technology, learning methods, curriculum design and development.</p> <p><strong>Al-Lubab </strong>published by LPPM STIT Muhammadiyah Tempurejo Ngawi Indonesia. It is semiannual journal published in May and November for the developing the scientific ethos. We accept submission from all over the world. Our Editorial Team and Reviewers members are active international researchers in islamic education fields who ensure efficient, fair, and constructive peer-review process. All accepted articles will be published without payment of an article-processing charge, and will be freely available to all readers with worldwide visibility and coverage. The submitted manuscript would be check for plagiarism using by turnitin with maximum tolerance 20%.</p> <p><a title="turnitin" href=""><img src="/mataraman/public/site/images/jallubab/thurni1.png"></a></p> <p><strong>Al-Lubab has been indexed/registered</strong> in Google Scholar, Crossref, Garuda, Moraref</p> <p><a title="Google Scholar" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="/mataraman/public/site/images/jallubab/Al-Lubab_Google_Scholar.png"></a> <a title="Crossref" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="/mataraman/public/site/images/jallubab/Al-Lubab_Crossref.png"></a> <img src="/mataraman/public/site/images/jallubab/Al-Lubab_Garuda.png"> <a title="moraref" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="/mataraman/public/site/images/jallubab/Al-Lubab_Moraref.png"></a></p> PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER SEBAGAI BASIS PENINGKATAN MUTU PENDIDIKAN DI SDIT AL-JABAR GONDANG SRAGEN2024-11-20T14:25:29+00:00Sumarno Sumarnogusmarno1912@gmail.comAndik<p>Character education is an effort to shape human personality for the better. This study used a descriptive qualitative approach with data collection techniques through interviews, observation and documentation. The results of this study reveal that in the implementation of character education at SDIT Al-Jabar Gondang through three implementation guidelines, namely: first, the method of implementation; second, implementation in schools consisting of: a) daily activities in class; b) school culture; c) activities at school. The characters achieved include; discipline, diligence, responsibility, care, cooperation, tolerance, confidence, courage.</p> <p>Keywords: <em>education, character, values, SDIT Al-Jabar</em></p>2022-11-14T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2022 Al-Lubab : Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan dan Keagamaan Islam Media Pembelajaran Untuk Memperbaiki Kualitas Pendidikan Agama Islam di SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Ngawi2024-11-21T14:25:35+00:00Wibawati<p>Efforts to achieve quality education, in providing learning materials teachers repeatedly encounter difficulties. In efforts to improve the teaching and learning process, the use of media is an appropriate alternative. One of the uses of media in an effort to help teachers convey learning is by utilizing media, because the media can not only help teachers but can also help students in the teaching and learning process. It can be seen that to overcome the problems that occur in the learning process the teacher can take advantage of learning media that are around the school and outside the school.</p> <p>This study aims to find out (a) the learning media used to improve the quality of Islamic Religious Education at Muhammadiyah 2 Ngawi High School (b) The use of media in learning can improve the quality of Islamic Religious Education at Muhammadiyah 2 Ngawi High School. This type of research is descriptive qualitative which aims to be able to clearly describe that instructional media can improve the quality of Islamic Religious Education at SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Ngawi. The author conducted this research at Muhammadiyah 2 Ngawi High School in class 11 Science from November 1 to December 31 2022. The conclusions from this study stated that the use of media such as prayer rooms, textbooks, infocus, student worksheets used in the learning process in high school Muhammadiyah 2 Ngawi can stimulate and improve the quality of Islamic Religious Education at SMA 2 Muhammadiyah Ngawi.</p> <p> </p> <p>Keywords: <em>Learning Media, Quality, Islamic Religious Education</em></p>2022-11-14T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2022 Al-Lubab : Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan dan Keagamaan Islam PENDIDIK DALAM ISLAM2024-11-21T14:25:09+00:00Sudarto<p>Educators are people who play an important role in educating the nation's children, while educators who speak what comes to our minds are adults who guide and give us something we don't know. The method used in this study is using qualitative methods, the characteristic of this approach lies in its hope of describing a case by capturing its interests and side effects, with the aim that the examination of the information used is scientifically enlightening. Information collection was carried out through library research techniques. From the results of this study it is known that in Islamic education, "educators" are often referred to as murobbi, mu'allim, mu'adddib, mudarris, and murshid. There are additional commitments and conditions that must be met by a teacher. Educators must also have several qualities that must be possessed as an educator. And there are still many parts of an educator that must be fulfilled.<br>Keywords: Concept, Educator, Islam</p>2022-11-14T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2022 Al-Lubab : Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan dan Keagamaan Islam POLA TRANSFORMASI PENDIDKAN ISLAM DI BAWEAN DARI MASA KEMASA2024-11-21T14:24:45+00:00Mohammad<p>Education is something that must develop towards a better and more advanced, both in all its aspects. Education is a constructive form of building superior human resources, both physically, spiritually, pedagogically and others. Therefore, education should be the spearhead in building the nation's human resources. Therefore, the development of education needed here is from all aspects. Therefore, education on the island of Bawean inevitably must be able to harmonize with the development of education both in terms of the system and others. This needs to be done because education must be in line with the development of technological advances. So that the system that is built must also run in a straight line with the existing conditions. Educational transformation is indeed important in response to the challenges of future civilization. Bawean with all its limited access, inevitably must also proceed properly so that in all fields of education, both formal and non-formal, must move towards progress, including in the world of Islamic boarding school education on the island of Bawean.</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong> transformation pattern, bawean education</p>2022-11-14T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2022 Al-Lubab : Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan dan Keagamaan Islam KEMANDIRIAN MELALUI KEGIATAN EKONOMI DI PONDOK PESANTREN PERSPEKTIF PENDIDIKAN ISLAM2024-11-21T14:24:17+00:00Misjaya<p>Muslims as the majority of Indonesian people, there are still many who are below the poverty line. When the number of unemployed in 2010 was recorded at 41.395 million, the largest number of unemployed was Muslims. Islamic boarding schools have been known for their independence, especially in terms of the economy. Kiai as managers as well as teaching staff in Islamic boarding schools are the main key to the success of independent education for students. This study aims to find an independent education system through economic activities in an ideal Islamic boarding school from the perspective of Islamic education. The research method uses a qualitative approach with a library research pattern and content analysis techniques. The conclusion of this research is that the spirit of independence of the students through economic activities must be internalized and animate every behavior of the students. The spirit of independence will have a positive influence on the aqidah, worship, etiquette, and social life of the students at large. In the case of aqidah, for example, the most profitable offer is to purify aqidah and stay away from shirk, because the biggest benefit is heaven. In economic activities, the students will choose business ethics that are in accordance with Islamic sharia from others, because the guarantee of big profits is in carrying out Islamic law. In addition to material benefits, you will also get non-material benefits in the form of muamalah piety and worship piety at the same time.<br>Keywords: Education, independence, economy, Islamic boarding school</p>2022-11-14T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2022 Al-Lubab : Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan dan Keagamaan Islam PENYEBAB RADIKALISME DI INDONESIA2024-11-21T14:23:51+00:00Mohammad Abdul<p>This study analyzes what drives Radicalism in Indonesia. Many argue between groups about their respective understandings, even though they are of the same religion. In today's era, this is good news for us, because knowledge in the fields of technology, science, medicine, progress very rapidly for Muslims, but in the field of morals, morals, social and even economics in Islam, it has a negative impact on radicals. This is because the group monitors their religious texts or texts based on their ratios or lusts without wanting to look at the arguments of naqli or aqli, so that in appreciating the ratio they often go too far.<br>Keywords: Causing Factors, Radicalism</p>2022-11-14T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2022 Al-Lubab : Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan dan Keagamaan Islam LANGSUNG DALAM PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA ARAB DI PONDOK PESANTREN AL MUAYYAD SURAKARTA2024-11-21T14:23:28+00:00Ana Sofiyatul<p>One method of learning Arabic in Al Muayyad Islamic Boarding School Surakarta is the use of the direct method. This method emphasizes the practice of continuous conversation between teachers and students using Arabic without the slightest use of the mother tongue, both in explaining the meaning of vocabulary and translating. The purpose of the direct method here is to train the students to be able to communicate in Arabic. Arabic learning at the Al Muayyad Islamic Boarding School in Surakarta is implemented through muhadatsah learning/conversation practice (learning to talk/practicing dialogue), muthola'ah (learning to read), imla'/dictation (learning Arabic by dictating), and qowaid (nahwu shorof learning). The learning of muhadatsah, muthola'ah, and imla' is applied using the direct method while qowaid (learning nahwu shorof, namely learning about Arabic grammar) is carried out by the inductive method.</p> <p>Keywords: direct method, learning, Arabic</p>2022-11-14T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2022 Al-Lubab : Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan dan Keagamaan Islam NASIONALISME DALAM PENDIDIKAN MULTIKULTURAL2024-11-21T14:23:08+00:00Sigit Tri Utomosigit.3421@gmail.comAchmad<p>Indonesian nationalism cannot be separated from the fact that Indonesia is a plural and multicultural society with its cultural diversity and complexity. Indonesia is a plural country, both in terms of ethnicity, race, religion, and belief. This diversity in Indonesia raises several problems, such as inter-ethnic fights, separatism, and the loss of humanity to respect the rights of others. To solve this problem, a solution is needed, one of which is a multicultural education model. Multicultural education is expected to be able to answer the challenges of today's era. The application of multicultural education in Indonesia is still experiencing various obstacles or problems. One of the problems of multicultural education in Indonesia is the lack of community nationalism which causes a lack of tolerance for other people with different cultures and cultures. Indonesia's cultural diversity requires a force that unites the entire plurality of the country. Pancasila as the nation's view of life, national personality and state ideology functions.<br>Keywords: Urgency, Nationalism, Multiculturalism</p>2022-11-14T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2022 Al-Lubab : Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan dan Keagamaan Islam