Al-Lubab : Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan dan Keagamaan Islam 2024-07-22T03:19:21+00:00 Sumarno Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Al-Lubab: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan dan Keagamaan Islam</strong> (p-ISSN: <a title="p-ISSN" href="[]=MUST=allissnbis=%222502-1850%22&amp;search_id=29596468" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2502-1850</a> and e-ISSN: <a title="e-ISSN" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2776-8236</a>) is scientific journal of <strong>Islamic education</strong>. It is an international peer-reviewed and open access journal. The aim of Al-Lubab journal is to publish high-quality articles dedicated to all aspects of the latest outstanding developments in the field of Islamic education. The scope of this journal is about Islamic education, moral education, education of Pesantren, education system and management, education technology, learning methods, curriculum design and development.</p> <p><strong>Al-Lubab </strong>published by LPPM STIT Muhammadiyah Tempurejo Ngawi Indonesia. It is semiannual journal published in May and November for the developing the scientific ethos. We accept submission from all over the world. Our Editorial Team and Reviewers members are active international researchers in islamic education fields who ensure efficient, fair, and constructive peer-review process. All accepted articles will be published without payment of an article-processing charge, and will be freely available to all readers with worldwide visibility and coverage. The submitted manuscript would be check for plagiarism using by turnitin with maximum tolerance 20%.</p> <p><a title="turnitin" href=""><img src="/mataraman/public/site/images/jallubab/thurni1.png"></a></p> <p><strong>Al-Lubab has been indexed/registered</strong> in Google Scholar, Crossref, Garuda, Moraref</p> <p><a title="Google Scholar" href=";user=s_hqNboAAAAJ" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="/mataraman/public/site/images/jallubab/Al-Lubab_Google_Scholar.png"></a> <a title="Crossref" href=";from_ui=yes" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="/mataraman/public/site/images/jallubab/Al-Lubab_Crossref.png"></a> <img src="/mataraman/public/site/images/jallubab/Al-Lubab_Garuda.png"> <a title="moraref" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="/mataraman/public/site/images/jallubab/Al-Lubab_Moraref.png"></a></p> Intellectual Education in Islam: Analysis of Ulu al-Albab Verses in the Qur'an 2024-07-22T03:19:21+00:00 Nur Firdaw Buerahen Syarifah Syarifah <p>Education is considered one of the primary values in Islam, with particular emphasis on the development of intellectuality. The concept of Ulu al-Albab, which literally means "people of understanding," is often mentioned in the Qur'an as a symbol of wisdom and deep understanding. This paper aims to analyze the verses that mention Ulu al-Albab in the context of intellectual education in Islam, using a classical Qur'anic exegesis approach, particularly the Al-Maraghi interpretation. Research Method: This study employs a qualitative approach focusing on the textual analysis of the Qur'an. The primary data used are the verses that mention Ulu al-Albab in the Qur'an, which are then deeply analyzed using the Al-Maraghi interpretation. Results and Discussion: The analysis of the verses mentioning Ulu al-Albab indicates that intellectual education in Islam emphasizes the importance of developing intellect and profound understanding of religious teachings and the surrounding world. These verses also highlight the importance of reflection, reasoning, and critical thinking in achieving true understanding.</p> 2024-05-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Lubab : Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan dan Keagamaan Islam The Ideal Education Concept According to Ibn Khaldun's Thought: Relevance and Application in the Modern Era 2024-07-22T03:19:04+00:00 Muwahidah Nur Hasanah Fatimatul Asroriah Umi Chasanah <p>This study aims to explore the concept of ideal education according to Ibn Khaldun's thought as outlined in his book Muqaddimah, and to analyze its relevance and potential implementation in the context of modern education, particularly in Indonesia. Through a qualitative literature review method, this study identifies and examines the main aspects of Ibn Khaldun's educational thought, including educational objectives, teaching methods, curriculum, the role of teachers, and the learning environment. The findings indicate that Ibn Khaldun has a holistic and comprehensive view of education that emphasizes the balance between intellectual, moral, and spiritual development. The relevance of his ideas to modern education is reflected in various contemporary approaches, such as interactive learning and integrative curricula. The study also reveals that many of Ibn Khaldun's educational principles can be adapted to the Indonesian education system to enhance the quality and effectiveness of learning. The conclusion of this research underscores the importance of integrating historical values relevant to modern educational needs to create a more holistic and inclusive education system. Recommendations are provided for further research focusing on the practical implementation of Ibn Khaldun's educational concepts in various educational contexts.</p> 2024-05-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Lubab : Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan dan Keagamaan Islam The Concept of Differentiated Learning and Its Implementation in Islamic Education 2024-07-22T03:17:21+00:00 Ayse Tanriveren Nurul Azizah Muhammad Ahyama Afham Afham <p>Differentiated learning has emerged as a critical approach to addressing the diverse learning styles of students. In Islamic education, the need for tailored educational strategies is paramount to achieve holistic development encompassing academic, moral, and spiritual aspects. This research aims to explore the concept of differentiated learning and its implementation in Islamic education, focusing on the impact of different learning styles on student outcomes. This study employs a qualitative approach through library research. Data collection involved comprehensive literature review from books, journal articles, theses, and dissertations. The data were analyzed using thematic content analysis to identify patterns and themes related to differentiated learning and its application in Islamic education. The findings reveal that recognizing and accommodating diverse learning styles—visual, auditory, and kinesthetic—through differentiated instruction significantly enhances student engagement and academic performance. Implementing differentiated learning strategies in Islamic education supports the development of well-rounded individuals. However, challenges such as limited resources and the need for teacher training must be addressed. Educators in Islamic schools should receive adequate training in differentiated instruction techniques. Curriculum development should incorporate flexibility to cater to different learning styles. Further research is needed to explore effective strategies and best practices for implementing differentiated learning in Islamic education contexts.</p> 2024-05-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Lubab : Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan dan Keagamaan Islam Moral Education from Imam Nawawi's Perspective: An Analytical Study of the Kitab Nashaih Al-'Ibad 2024-07-22T03:18:31+00:00 Wibawati Bermi Darmanto Darmanto Pratama Andika Putra <p>Moral education is a fundamental aspect of Islamic education, aimed at developing individuals with virtuous character and integrity. Imam Nawawi's Kitab Nashaih Al-'Ibad is a classical Islamic text that provides profound insights into moral education. Understanding these insights is crucial for enhancing contemporary Islamic education. This study aims to explore and analyze the concept of moral education from Imam Nawawi's perspective as presented in Kitab Nashaih Al-'Ibad. The research employs a library research methodology, with Kitab Nashaih Al-'Ibad as the primary reference and various other books and studies on Imam Nawawi's educational perspectives as secondary references. Data was collected through thematic analysis of the primary text and comparative analysis with existing literature on Islamic and moral education. Findings, The study identifies five key principles of moral education according to Imam Nawawi: sincerity (ikhlas), humility (tawadu), patience (sabar), gratitude (syukur), and self-accountability (muhasabah). These principles are highly relevant to contemporary Islamic education, offering a holistic approach that integrates moral and academic development. Comparisons with previous studies and theories highlight the universal relevance and applicability of these principles. Conclusion, Imam Nawawi's principles provide a robust framework for moral education that can significantly contribute to the development of virtuous individuals in the modern educational context. Effective implementation requires collaborative efforts among educators, communities, and stakeholders. Recommendations: It is recommended that these principles be integrated into the curriculum, teacher training programs, and community involvement initiatives. Further research is encouraged to explore practical applications and impacts of these principles in diverse educational settings.</p> 2024-05-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Lubab : Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan dan Keagamaan Islam Child Education from Islamic and Western Perspectives 2024-07-22T03:18:48+00:00 Puteri Azka Salsabila Saiful Anwar Jaziela Huwaida <p>Child education is a crucial aspect of individual and societal development. This study discusses and compares the concepts of child education from Islamic and Western perspectives, focusing on educational objectives, teaching methods, and the role of teachers. The background of this research stems from the need to understand the differences and similarities between these two approaches to create a more holistic and inclusive educational system. This research employs a library research method, gathering data from various relevant primary and secondary literature, including books, academic journals, and research articles. Data analysis is conducted descriptively and comparatively to identify the main themes, differences, and similarities in child education concepts from both perspectives. The findings indicate that child education from the Islamic perspective emphasizes character and spirituality formation, while Western education focuses more on developing critical thinking skills and active participation in society. Teaching methods in Islam are holistic, emphasizing moral and spiritual education, whereas Western education employs student-centered and interactive approaches. The role of the teacher in Islamic education is more of a moral exemplar and authoritative figure, whereas in Western education, the teacher acts as a facilitator supporting student exploration. The conclusion of this research is that integrating Islamic and Western educational approaches can result in a more comprehensive educational system, which not only develops the intellectual aspects but also the moral and spiritual aspects of children. Therefore, it is recommended to develop curricula and teaching methods that combine the moral values of Islamic education with the critical and creative approaches of Western education. Adequate teacher training is also essential to support the implementation of a holistic and student-centered educational approach.</p> 2024-05-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Lubab : Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan dan Keagamaan Islam Direct Method in Islamic Religious Education: Conceptual Framework and Implementation in Indonesia 2024-07-22T03:18:14+00:00 Asrori Asrori Aldo Redho Syam <p>The Direct Method, characterized by a focus on oral communication and direct practice, has been widely discussed in the context of language learning. Its application in Islamic religious education, however, remains less explored. This study aims to fill this gap by examining the theoretical underpinnings of the Direct Method and its implementation in Islamic religious education in Indonesia. The primary objective of this research is to comprehensively explore the concept of the Direct Method and its application in the teaching of Islamic religious studies. This includes understanding the theoretical foundations of the method and assessing its practical application in various educational settings, such as schools and madrasahs in Indonesia. This study employs a qualitative research approach, specifically library research. Data were collected through an extensive review of literature from primary and secondary sources, including books, journal articles, and other relevant publications. Data analysis was conducted using document analysis and thematic analysis techniques. The findings reveal that the Direct Method is highly effective in enhancing students' understanding and skills in Islamic religious education. The method's emphasis on direct interaction and immediate feedback from teachers fosters a conducive and personalized learning environment. However, challenges such as limited time and resources were identified as potential barriers to its effective implementation. To maximize the benefits of the Direct Method, ongoing support and training for teachers are essential. Additionally, adequate resources and institutional support are necessary to overcome the identified challenges. Future research should continue to explore innovative strategies to enhance the effectiveness of the Direct Method in various educational contexts.</p> 2024-05-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Lubab : Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan dan Keagamaan Islam A New Approach to Islamic Inheritance Law Education in Pesantren 2024-07-22T03:17:57+00:00 Sumarno Sumarno Indah Musfiratul Kisbuloh Kisbuloh <p>Ilmu mawarits, or Islamic inheritance law, holds significant importance in Muslim communities as it ensures the fair distribution of a deceased person's estate in accordance with the Qur'an and Hadith. Despite its importance, the study and application of ilmu mawarits are often neglected in modern times, leading to conflicts and misunderstandings within families. The Centre for Mawarith Studies (CMS) at Universitas Darussalam Gontor aims to address this issue by implementing innovative educational approaches to enhance the understanding and application of Islamic inheritance law. This research aims to explore the thoughts and movements of CMS in educating ilmu mawarits within pesantrens, providing insights into its innovative curriculum, teaching methods, and the overall impact on the community's understanding of Islamic inheritance law. A qualitative case study method was employed at the CMS of Universitas Darussalam Gontor. Data were collected through in-depth interviews, participatory observations, and document analysis involving 30 participants, including CMS administrators, educators, and students. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data, ensuring validity through triangulation techniques. The findings reveal that CMS has significantly influenced the approach to teaching ilmu mawarits by focusing on practical applications and interactive learning methods. This approach has successfully enhanced the understanding and skills of students, making Islamic inheritance law more accessible and applicable in daily life. The study recommends further development of innovative educational methods and the integration of practical applications in the teaching of ilmu mawarits. Additionally, expanding CMS programs to other Islamic educational institutions could further promote the understanding and application of Islamic inheritance law across broader communities.</p> 2024-05-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Lubab : Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan dan Keagamaan Islam Innovation in Qur'an and Hadith Learning at the Elementary Level Using the Mimicry-Memorization Method 2024-07-22T03:17:40+00:00 Luthfia Shilvi Salsabila Gatot Handoko <p>The development of education in Indonesia is required to be able to produce a good education system and must be implemented, especially in religious learning. However, there are still religious subjects whose scores are still classified as below average such as Al-Qur'an Hadith lessons in MI Al-Hidayah Malang, the average KKM limit is&gt; 75 or with a percentage of 75% complete. With this problem, researchers want students whose scores increase with the application of the Mimicry Memorization Method. The purpose of this study is to increase student activeness in learning Al-Qur'an Hadith and improve student learning outcomes in Al-Qur'an Hadith class 6B at MI Al-Hidayah Malang in the 2023-2024 academic year. This type of research is a Classroom Action Research (PTK) by following the Kemmis and Mc Taggart model. Classroom Action Research is carried out with 2 Cycles, which include Planning, Implementation, Observation, and Reflection. The application of the Mimicry Memorization learning method can increase student learning activeness in learning Al-Qur'an Hadith, namely in the first cycle the results of student activeness reached 60.65%, then increased in the second cycle, namely 82.87%. 2). This has actually reached the percentage of completeness, but the researcher wants to strengthen his findings again by continuing the action in the second cycle with even more increased learning outcomes of 91.60%. Based on the results of the study, it is concluded that the Mimicry M technique can be used to improve learning outcomes.</p> 2024-05-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Lubab : Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan dan Keagamaan Islam