• Dalhari STAI Diponegoro Tulungagung
Keywords: Cooperation, Economy, Fiqih Muamalah


Union or kongsi is a general form of partnership business in which there is profit sharing in which two or more parties combine capital or energy in conducting a business, with the proportion of profit sharing according to the portion of responsibility. Profits are divided according to the agreement between the partners, and losses will be shared according to the proportion of capital. This collaboration is based on the desire of the parties working together to increase the value of their assets together by combining all resources. In addition to such capital merger cooperation, there is also a form of full provision of funds by the first party to be used as business capital for the second party. The practice of economic cooperation like this in the current era has become a model that is widely used in Islamic Financial Institutions. The two forms of economic cooperation in muamalah fiqh are known as syirkah and mudharabah. Syirkah in principle is the parent of the mudaraba itself. However, in practice, mudharabah transactions are more dominant in sharia-based financing institutions.
