Strategi Menentukan Fungsi Kelembagaan Pendidikan Islam

  • Yahya Zahid Ismail STIT Sunan Giri Trenggalek


In order to achieve the goals in the field of religion and education which are the tasks of the Ministry of Religion, the Ministry of Religion has set strategic targets to be achieved within the next five years. There are at least two mission burdens that must be carried out by Islamic educational institutions, especially Islamic universities (High Schools, Institutes, and Universities), namely academic missions and religious missions. Islamic religious universities must be able to create a bridge that connects the two missions. Mujamil Qomar said that there are at least three options to solve this problem: (1) PTKI must always strengthen its academic (scientific) mission and continue to carry on its mission of da'wah (religious); (2) PTKI carries out research development, scientific development, change, renewal, and so on with an academic spirit, while in practicing the scientific results that have been owned and achieved using the spirit of da'wah; (3) PTKI tries to develop da'wah (religious) by using scientific patterns. This can be expressed by developing da'wah management of da'wah leadership, da'wah methods, da'wah approaches, da'wah by word of mouth (da'wah bi al-lisan), da'wah by action (da'wah bi al-hal), da'wah by writing (da'wah bi al-hal). 'wah bi al-kitabah) and da'wah through entertainment (da'wah bi at-tasliyah). The function of Islamic Education Institutions includes 2 things, namely: education and development and change. The strategy for determining the function of Islamic educational institutions includes 2 things, namely: academic missions and religious missions; and improving quality and competitiveness

How to Cite
Ismail, Y. Z. (2021). Strategi Menentukan Fungsi Kelembagaan Pendidikan Islam. AL-IFKAR: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman, 16(02), 72-97. Retrieved from