Sejarah Teks Al-Qur’an: Masa Nabi Dan Khulafa’ Ar-Rasyidin

  • Imam Maksum Kemenag Tulungagung
  • Yor Ananta STIT Sunan Giri Trenggalek


As the general public knows that the text of the Qur'an is an absolute revelation of truth in the form of mushaf which is currently the guide for Muslims in faith. However, in reality the qur'anic text that is understood today has a history of displaying from oral revelation which later became the revelation of the current text. The purpose of writing this article is to describe the history of the Qur'anic text during the time of the Prophet to the time of Khulafa' al-Rasyidin and to know the historical events that occurred during both times. This study is a qualitative research with data obtained from literature sources and analysis carried out using descriptive analysis to achieve research objectives. The results of the research obtained in this article describe the three phases of the history of the A-Qur'an text. The first phase was during the time of the Prophet Muhammad the Qur'an very carefully composed verses with trusted persons and qualified to maintain their validity. The second phase was during the time of Abu Bakr, a critical state of the condition of muslims and the text of the Qur'an touched Umar bin Khattab to persuade Abu Bakr and Zaid bin Tsabit to take swift action in maintaining the existence of the Qur'an. The third phase was during the time of Ustman ibn Affan, faced with indications of internal divisions that were successfully addressed by the unification of the Qur'anic mushaf.

Keywords: History of Al-Qur`an; Text of Al-Qur`an


How to Cite
Imam Maksum, & Yor Ananta. (2023). Sejarah Teks Al-Qur’an: Masa Nabi Dan Khulafa’ Ar-Rasyidin. AL-IFKAR: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman, 20(02), 4-15. Retrieved from