INNOVATIVE: Jurnal Pemikiran Islam Dan penelitian <p>&nbsp;<strong>INNOVATIVE: Jurnal Pemikiran Islam Dan Penelitian</strong> Institut Agama Islam Pangeran Diponegoro Nganjuk.</p> institut agama islam pangeran diponegoro nganjuk en-US INNOVATIVE: Jurnal Pemikiran Islam Dan penelitian 2355-4053 Implikasi Konsep Neomodernisme dalam Pendidikan Islam Preview reform Islamic education model as proposed by many Islamic thinkers covered by neo-modernism view. This philosophy emphasized ideological views on how to put faith in the midst of modernity by sticking firmly to the normative principle, but try to peddle Islam faces today. Including arranging with a model system of Islamic education reform, good materials, curriculum, methods to infrastructure. Including the renewal of the idea of the style of his Islamic education in terms of neo-modernism glasses. muhammad ali anwar Copyright (c) 2015 INNOVATIVE: Jurnal Pemikiran Islam 2015-12-31 2015-12-31 2 1 1 21 Analisis Q.S. al-Baqarah Mengenai Eksistensi Manusia dalam Pendidikan Islam To be successful in the educational process, the understanding of the concept of human creation and the universe creation function should be fully accommodated in the formulation of theories of Islamic Education, either through apocalyptic approach, scientific and rational philosophical ABD MANAN ZAKARIA Copyright (c) 2016 INNOVATIVE: Jurnal Pemikiran Islam 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 2 1 22 32 Analisis Konsep Qona’ah untuk Kesehatan Mental <p>Given the importance of mental health (mental) to humans in the face of life, which is manifested in the religious teachings, such as prayers, patience and also qona'ah, can help to overcome psychological problems among experts Soul, Psychiatry, and Religious Expert. Religion as part of one of the alternatives to overcome psychological problems had a lot of help address mental health issues.</p> ABD HAMID Copyright (c) 2016 INNOVATIVE: Jurnal Pemikiran Islam 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 2 1 33 66 Pemikiran Filsafat Mengenai Aktualisasi Konsep Dasar Pendidikan Islam <p>A key issue of Islamic education in the philosophical plain covers theoretical and practical side. Here is indispensable philosophy of Islamic education is clear and comprehensive in order to develop teoritisasi Islamic education should not depend on the educational philosophy of other (mainly Western) in general. On the plains of educational theory, it is essential concepts of the Islamic education that is expected to explain the fundamental, logical and systematic science building on the framework of Islamic education that can be applied easily in the world of Islamic education today. It is therefore essential to the clarity of its operational framework of a more progressive and pragmatic for the successful development of Islamic education today<strong></strong></p> RIDUWAN RIDUWAN Copyright (c) 2016 INNOVATIVE: Jurnal Pemikiran Islam 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 2 1 50 66 Do’a dan Ketenangan Jiwa <p>1. Benediction is one aspect of worship in Islamic education and a dynamic aspect of the activities of daily life during the life still in the bladder body.</p><p>2. Peace of mind is the goal of every human life, and is the main capital in shaping the personality of Muslims in Islamic education.</p><p>3. The only education that is capable of directing the prayer of the Muslims towards the achievement of peace of mind is Islamic Education</p> hari purwanto Copyright (c) 2016 INNOVATIVE: Jurnal Pemikiran Islam 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 2 1 67 78 Pemikiran Konsep Tasawuf Terhadap Pendidikan Akal <p>Sufism is not just deeds-deeds contain spiritual gratification, but a mental attitude as well the method of "thinking" is epistemological. Sufism is a paradigm to obtain and find the ultimate truth. With such understanding, then Sufism not only have relevance and significance for the spiritual lives of individual human beings, but also for the social life in the community.</p><p align="center"> </p> M ALI YUSRON Copyright (c) 2016 INNOVATIVE: Jurnal Pemikiran Islam 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 2 1 79 92 Analisis Konsep Tafakur dalam Membentuk Karakter Muslim Ideal <p>One goal is to form a concrete preaching Muslim personality, the personality which is an overall kualita of someone who looks out of the way done, ways of thinking, ways of expression, attitude and intention, philosophy of life and kepercayannya. To foster human personality wise Muslim businesses with the necessary scientific ability and experience, so that people are encouraged to accept the invitation well.</p><p>Associated with meditation as a medium to educate / train individuals in accordance with the Muslim religion, Muslim self-image is a picture of a person about himself, in terms of the extent of his self-assess the quality of Islam, faith, and sincerity as a measure of religious teachings.<strong></strong></p><p align="center"> </p> M Fauzi Khan Copyright (c) 2016 INNOVATIVE: Jurnal Pemikiran Islam 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 2 1 93 108 Analisis Pendapat Imam Malik Tentang Pembayaran Maskawin Dalam Pernikahan <p>In conjunction with the minimum criteria in giving dowry that Malik uses minimal criteria of giving dowry is because it uses a method istinbath qiyas. In this case Malik was of the opinion that dowry nishab analogous to the punishment of hand amputation for theft is 3 dirhams or fourth gold dinar.</p> Abdul Malik Hasan Copyright (c) 2016 INNOVATIVE: Jurnal Pemikiran Islam 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 2 1 109 118 Studi Analisis Pendapat Imam Syafii Tentang Hukuman Para Pemakai Khamr <p>Imam Shafi'i put usyribat (crime of liquor) to the category of hudud. According to him, people who drank liquor had penalties in the form of flagellation. Punishment had the form of al-qatl (death / suicide) have been previously defined null (clear) with the flogging sentence. It has been agreed by the Scientist</p> Muhaimin Aziz Copyright (c) 2016 INNOVATIVE: Jurnal Pemikiran Islam 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 2 1 119 125 Jual Beli Harta Wakaf Menurut Pendapat Imam Syafii <p>Good management of waqf should also use good management, appropriate to the circumstances of society. Organization and management of adverse constraint is the lack of benefits and uses endowments. Many found waqf property that is not working properly even been converted to belong managers. And a lot of the waqf property because it is not managed properly then the benefits are not felt by the community</p> Agus Tohawi Copyright (c) 2016 INNOVATIVE: Jurnal Pemikiran Islam 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 2 1 126 137 Korelasi antara Manusia Dengan Alam <div id="OutputArea" class="en" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left;"><div id="OutputText" class="Wrap" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left;"><div><span id="ouHighlight__0_11TO0_10">Humans also</span><span id="ouHighlight__13_17TO12_18">need to</span><span id="ouHighlight__19_36TO20_33">understand how</span><span id="ouHighlight__49_56TO35_47">these natural</span><span id="ouHighlight__38_47TO49_56">actually</span><span id="noHighlight_0.7575236677951555">.</span><span id="ouHighlight__59_65TO59_70">According to</span><span id="ouHighlight__67_79TO72_83">materialism,</span><span id="ouHighlight__81_92TO85_96">the universe</span><span id="ouHighlight__94_100TO98_108">is composed</span><span id="ouHighlight__102_111TO110_114">of an</span><span id="ouHighlight__113_122TO116_131">agglomeration of</span><span id="ouHighlight__124_132TO133_137">atoms</span><span id="ouHighlight__133_138TO138_148">, which are</span><span id="ouHighlight__140_152TO150_161">ruled by the</span><span id="ouHighlight__154_164TO163_169">laws of</span><span id="ouHighlight__166_170TO171_182">the physical</span><span id="ouHighlight__171_171TO183_183">-</span><span id="ouHighlight__172_178TO184_191">chemical</span><span id="noHighlight_0.039392887666271026">.</span><span id="ouHighlight__193_201TO194_204">The highest</span><span id="ouHighlight__181_191TO206_218">likelihood of</span><span id="ouHighlight__203_211TO220_224">atoms</span><span id="ouHighlight__213_215TO226_227">it</span><span id="ouHighlight__217_221TO229_230">is</span><span id="ouHighlight__223_237TO232_243">able to form</span><span id="ouHighlight__239_246TO245_257">human beings.</span><span id="ouHighlight__248_255TO259_262">When</span><span id="ouHighlight__257_271TO264_278">it is said that</span><span id="ouHighlight__273_279TO280_291">human beings</span><span id="ouHighlight__281_289TO293_296">have</span><span id="noHighlight_0.34460809435070494"> a </span><span id="ouHighlight__291_299TO300_311">spirit, soul</span><span id="ouHighlight__301_314TO313_328" class="highlight">or consciousness</span><span id="ouHighlight__316_316TO330_330">–</span><span id="ouHighlight__318_329TO332_333">it</span><span id="ouHighlight__331_349TO335_352">does not mean that</span><span id="ouHighlight__351_361TO354_366">they are also</span><span id="ouHighlight__363_370TO368_376">receiving</span><span id="ouHighlight__372_376TO378_378">a</span><span id="ouHighlight__384_394TO380_390">nonmaterial</span><span id="ouHighlight__378_382TO392_399">elements</span><span id="ouHighlight__396_400TO401_402">in</span><span id="ouHighlight__402_411TO404_412">the world</span><span id="noHighlight_0.6649500842939057"> or </span><span id="ouHighlight__413_430TO417_422">in man</span></div></div></div> Bakhtiyar Hanafi Copyright (c) 2016 INNOVATIVE: Jurnal Pemikiran Islam 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 2 1 139 148 Studi Analisis Tentang Azab dalam Al-Qur'an <em>Sin is a major cause of human misery. Sin forbidden in the religion as it contains the danger for the culprit, good health, his mind or his work. In addition to the dangers that befall the perpetrators themselves, sin is also a danger to society resulting in the loss of the value of unity and spawned turmoil and commotion. Due to sin, God will surely bring doom. Then God will bring down doom for mankind. The doom sometimes in the form of natural disasters, such as floods, famines, hurricanes and earthquakes. Sometimes, the torment of a bloody revolution that resulted in the total destruction</em> FARID MA'RUF HARIADI Copyright (c) 2016 INNOVATIVE: Jurnal Pemikiran Islam Dan penelitian 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 2 1 149 164