• Moh Hasyim Afandi Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Miftahul Ula Nganjuk



Since its inception the Unitary Republic of Indonesia, the founders realized that the existence of pluralistic society is the wealth of the Indonesian nation must be recognized, accepted, and respected, which was later embodied in the motto of Unity in Diversity or Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. But It is realized that the inability to manage diversity and uncertainty some people to accept the plurality and the ongoing effects of colonial policy of divide et impera has caused to the turmoil endangering unity of the nation. As a big country, with multi religion, tribe, ethnic, and culture, with the largest Muslim population in the world, in terms of international relationships in the world, Indonesia should be able to play an important role. However, if the role is not played very well, so Indonesia could be fertile ground growth of deviant or radical action which would be fatal and threaten the existence of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). It is undeniable that recently in Indonesia emerged radical ideologies. For the state, this is a dilemma. On one side, on behalf of Human Rights, the state provides to its citizens to freedom of religion and faith. On the other hand, with the emergence of ideologies, the existence of the state is threatened. This threat is very real because the most of radicalism has a concept as opposed to the homeland (NKRI), such as Khilafah, Imamah and others, even they consider infidels who are outside of the group explicitly. Therefore, this situation cannot be let just like that. We must attempt to block in order to radicalism does not grow in this beloved archipelago.


Key Words: Radicalism, The Archipelago


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