PEMBERDAYAAN EKONOMI UMMAT MELALUI ZAKAT PRODUKTIF (Studi Kritik Atas Tata Kelola Badan Amil Zakat Nasional [BAZNAS] Kabupaten Nganjuk)
The concept of zakat economy performed in Nganjuk, has a fairly wide spectrum. It is not just the caricature and religious rituals, but more empowerment. Zakat is not only as a form of worship to God or moral obligation for Muslims, but also has function as fiscal alternative policy instruments to achieve the equal distribution of income among Muslims. Provision of social assistance from the rich to the poor or to other mustahiq. Zakat is expected to uplift the poor and helping the way out of the difficulties of life. Helping the problems solving faced by mustahiq, get rid of niggardly nature and tighten the brotherhood among Muslims. Normatively, Zakat practiced in the lives of people in Nganjuk is the worship of socio-economics patterned, which can be used to prevent the accumulation of wealth in the minority of people and narrow the economic gaps in society. On the other hand, it also becomes a kind of social security act for "the loser" in the development process, and as social safety nets (certainty of the fulfillment of minimum rights) the poor that has as a control against the human nature which tends to be happy to the wealth accumulation. We can collect data on the level of the real needs of mustahiq zakat groups, zakat funds capabilities, and mustahik conditions thus leading to increase in the human welfare in Nganjuk. Empowerment in this context implies giving zakat to mustahiq productively with the aim that zakat will bring results and benefits. The distribution of zakat seen from its form can be done in two ways, namely: First, the instantaneous form and mustahiq zakat empowerment form productively, mustahiq in this category is mustahik of eight ashnaf that have ability, potential and power to work. Second, the distribution of empowerment form is the distribution of zakat which accompanied the target of changing mustahiq conditions into muzakki categories.
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