Ponorogo is a district that has the most poor community with disabilities in East Java. The existence of community with disabilities are on two important points, namely Jambon sub-district and Balong sub-district that reached 1,505 people. And of course, their condition is still very far from the standard of economic welfare. Therefore, it seems very urgent to do community empowerment with disabilities in Ponorogo in order to improve their economic welfare. This empowerment is implemented using the principles of emancipatory approach to doing community organizations through adult education (andragogy) using participatory method in community-based research (CBR). This approach emphasized the active role of the community in planning, implementation, and evaluation of research results. This program was conducted for 4 days, on October 24 to 27 until October 27, 2015, which including entrepreneurial motivation, training, manufacture of food products from cassava waste and food from cassava, and the training of financial reporting for UKM production, spiritual motivation of scholars. the follow up of empowerment activities is the establishment of a business group with the name of "Mandiri Sejahtera" in cooperation with various parties that supporting the production of marketers. The factors that pushed towards success in community empowerment with disabilities in Ponorogo were the attitude of openness towards others, and the support and participation of all stakeholders. The inhibiting factors were the traditional public attitudes and dependence. During this time, the community with disabilities in less independent and inflicting dependence on others.
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