Religious harmony is one point which is very important in social life. Where there should be synergy between religious communities in preserving the integrity of religious harmony. Mutual respect and tolerance in conducting worship each religion respectively. There aren’t discrimination, intimidation and provocation to destroy the integrity of religious harmony. Sociologically, we have faith and conviction respectively. The problem of truth is a matter within the territory of each religion. Islam explicitly gives full freedom to people in matters of religion and religiosity. The Qur'an states that, "there is no compulsion in religion". God invites anyone who would have the faith or kufr against Him. Islam does not deny the existing religions. Islam recognizes the existence of these religions and does not reject the values of teaching. The freedom of religion and respect to religions and beliefs of others are the teaching of religion. Besides that, it is an important thing for a pluralistic society. Harmony and religious tolerance should be maintained and preserved. Harmony and tolerance sustained in religious life will be able to create peace on earth. The tolerant attitude of religious differences, religious sect or ethnicity be a fixed price in the nation life and state in Indonesia that pluralistic.
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