MIQLAMAH 2024-03-08T08:16:58+00:00 Mualim Wijaya Open Journal Systems <p><strong>MIQLAMAH </strong>journal encompasses original research articles, review articles, and short communications, including: Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language, Arabic Linguistic, Arabic Literature, Arabic History, History of Arabic Education, Strategy of Arabic Teaching, Arabic Islamic Culture, Media of Arabic Teaching, Technology of Arabic Teaching, Modern Standard Arabic, Arabic Second Language Acquisition.</p> <p>Publisher: Forum Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Kopertais Wilayah IV Surabaya.</p> PENGGUNAAN MEDIA FLASHCARD DALAM MENINGKATKAN HAFALAN KOSAKATA BAHASA ARAB 2024-03-08T08:16:58+00:00 Mualim Wijaya <p>Learning Arabic at MIN 1 Probolinggo is still monotonous &amp; does not attract students' interest in learning. This is because learning Arabic is not supported by adequate learning media. The effectiveness of the learning process is strongly influenced by the learning media used by the teacher, a teacher is expected to be able to use learning media that is in accordance with the circumstances of his students. Flashcard media is a simple and easy-to_make medium that can be used by teachers in the learning process &amp; improve memorization of Arabic vocabulary (mufrodat). This study aims to describe the process of using Flashcard media &amp; measure the effectiveness of its use in improving the memorization of Arabic vocabulary (mufrodat) at MIN 1 Probolinggo. The research methodology in this research is qualitative &amp; quantitative with an applied case study approach. While the data in the study were obtained through several techniques, namely observation, interviews, documentation, questionnaire &amp; tests. The results of the study are first; the teacher shows a Flashcard containing Arabic vocabulary (mufradat), then the teacher gives an example with the correct pronunciation &amp; all students follow it, then students pair up with each other, one student shows Arabic vocabulary (mufradat) &amp; the other pronounces it alternately &amp; repeatedly. Second; based on the test results of 15 students of MIN 1 Probolinggo that the use of Flashcard media is able to improve the memorization of Arabic vocabulary (mufrodat) of students of MIN 1 Probolinggo, the indicator can be seen that students memorized &amp; were able to pronounce &amp; write Arabic vocabulary well (mufradat) &amp; correct.</p> <p>Media Flashcards, Arabic vocabulary</p> 2022-10-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Mualim Wijaya TA’DĪL TA’LĪM AL-LUGHAH AL-’ARABIYAH ’ALĀ DLAU‘ AL-MA’ĀYĪR AL- ’ĀLAMIYAH (AL-IṬĀR AL-MARJA‘I AL-ARŪBI AL-MUSYTARAK) FĪ MARKAZ TA’LĪM AL-LUGHAH AL-AJNABIYAH BI JĀMI‘AH AL-ISLĀMIYAH ZAINUL HASAN GENGGONG 2024-03-08T08:16:16+00:00 Ahmad Muzammil <p>Teaching the Arabic language was at the beginning of its publication in Indonesia to understand and understand the Book of God Almighty The hadiths of the Prophet and all the sources of religious rulings and Sharia, and the Arabic language has entered Indonesia With the advent of Islam in the first century AH, the Arabic language became taught in institutions educational institutions, or Islamic institutes and even Islamic universities, including at the Islamic University Zainul Hasan Genggong Probolinggo, especially in the foreign language teaching center in it, and this research aims to find out the extent of The event of teaching Arabic at the Foreign Language Teaching Center at the Islamic University of Zainul Hasan Genggong Probolinggo, in light of international standards (Common European Framework of Reference), In this research, the researcher used the analytical descriptive method, and the results of this research are: The teaching of Arabic in the Foreign Language Teaching Center at the Islamic University Zainul Hasan Genggong Probolinggo was well done, but it was not enough, after observing the students’ needs in developing their language proficiency. The teaching of the Arabic language in this center needs to be modified in light of international standards (the European Common Framework of Reference).</p> 2022-10-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Ahmad Muzammil ISTIRĀTĪJIYAH TARQIYAH KAFĀ‘AH MU’ALLIM AL-LUGHAH AL-‘ARABIYAH FĪ AL-MARḤALAH AL-MUTAWASSIṬAH BI MANṬIQAH SURABAYA 2024-03-08T08:14:56+00:00 Aynul Mardhiyah <p>Teachers is one of the most important factors in the success of an education. The factors are believed to play a very strategic role in improving the quality of education. Qualified teachers have a major impact on the effectiveness of learning. The low quality of learning Arabic one of them caused by the low quality of teachers who teach Arabic, The number of teachers who do not have the qualification of Arabic Language Education resulted in the low competence of the teacher, especially on pedagogic competence and professional competence, Besides the lack of special attention on the importance of quality teachers in order to succeed education, especially in learning Arabic language.</p> <p>Results from this research is: 1) The Competence of Arabic language teachers the secondary education in surabaya city is quite low, it is due to several factors, namely internal factors and external factors, 2) Standardization of the competence Arabic language teachers the secondary education in Surabaya city based on Government Regulation Number 19 Year 2005 regarding National Education Standard Chapter VI Part One on Education Standard and Education Personnel and Government Regulation Number 74 Year 2008 article 2 and 3 Part One on Teacher Competence, The other of Standardization which is the Policy of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Surabaya City is the Work Period, 3) Strategies that can be done to improve the competence of teachers Arabic middle-level city surabaya include: from pedagogic competence: 1). Class and administrative supervision, 2). Personal Approach (3). Self Evaluating Training, 4). Empowerment of Teacher Performance Assessment (PKG), 5). Master Competency Test (UKG), 6). Continuing Competence Improvement Program (PPKB), 7) .Recognition (Reward). And While from professional competence: 1). Empowering KKM and MGMP, 2). Training or Up Grading Arabic language, 3). Empowerment of Classroom action research (PTK), 4). Utilization of IT-based learning media, 5). Rolling Job IN ON.</p> 2022-10-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Aynul Mardhiyah