Karakteristik Sains dalam Pemikiran Filosofis Kontemporer (Tinjauan Filsafat Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman)
Science becomes a furqon/criterion, distinguishing between the quality of the creature, even the quality of the man himself. Science is intended as an appetizer reality, then the name is a reality not only in the form of objects, phenomena, facts, data concrete empirical. So, we need approaches or different methods, and not enough to just rely on the senses, instinct and sheer human rationality. Moreover, basically humans also have the potential tool if used optimally can understand and uncover the whole truth of reality. Philosophy of Science today is better known as a vehicle for interactive dialogue between philosophy and science. Science is "fertile ground" for the study of philosophy (Philosophy of Science), and the philosophy is the foundation that is very useful for science in progress-progress. Hence the development and progress of the Philosophy of Science is inseparable from the development and progress of science, and vice versa.Philosophy of Science arable fields more focused on the components of ontology, epistemology, and axiology science. Similarly to the sciences of Islamic understanding of the construction philosophy can not be separated from these three components (ontology, epistemology, and axiology) can provide the basis for the review and development of sciences of Islamic.
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