Self-Compassion Pada Wanita Yang Pernah Mengalami Keguguran

  • Khanifah Hanifah UIN RM SAID SURAKARTA
  • Gadis Deslinda UIN RM SAID SURAKARTA
  • Ernawati UIN Raden Mas Sahid Surakarta
Keywords: Miscarriage, Self-compassion, Woman


Women who have had miscarriages are prone to experiencing mental health problems, such as experiencing stress, frustration and depression. Women need high self-compassion to be able to overcome them. Women who experience a lack of self-compassion will become maladaptive, such as assuming they have a problem, always judging others negatively, and being bound by negative emotions. Self-compassion is an open attitude, moved by the suffering experienced, compassion and care for oneself, understanding one's shortcomings and failures without judging, accepting one's strengths and weaknesses, and realizing the same experience can happen to others. This study aims to get an overview of self-compassion in women who have had a miscarriage. This qualitative research uses a phenomenological approach by collecting data using interviews, observation and documentation. This study involved three female informants who had experienced a miscarriage using purposive sampling and significant other techniques. The survey results show that self-compassion can help individuals accept when facing problems. The researcher concluded that the three informants had self-compassion in themselves and that there were three components of self-compassion in the three informants of this study.

Keywords: Miscarriage; self-compassion; Woman


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