
  • Amarodin ama Amarodin Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Diponegoro Tulungagung, Indonesia




Sufism is one of the subjects that are taught in Islamic education, because apart from the knowledge of prospective educators or in the world of education it is also needed with morals. This journal discusses 1. Understanding Morals, Ethics, and Morals and anything else. which is the difference and what are the similarities between the three. 2. Explaining about the moral scope of some of the opinions of the figures. 3. Explain the foundation of morals based on the perspective of the Al-Qur'an and Hadith. 4. Regarding the position of morals. The importance of moral position can be seen when one sees that one of the sources of morals is revelation. Likewise, Al-Hadith has provided a considerable portion in the field of morals. 5. Benefits of Morals. Moral is a branch of Islamic science that contains various benefits and produces great wisdom, including Spiritual Progress, Guiding Kindness, Faith Perfection, Virtue in the Hereafter, Primary Needs, and what is no less important is the Role of Morals in Youth Development. 6. The purpose of studying moral science is by studying the science of morals, every Muslim is able to apply every good teaching and sort out which ones are bad, which all refer to the source of our religious law, namely the Al-Quran and hadith which are the morals of the Prophet.

Keywords: Morals, Ethics, Morals, Scope, Foundation, Benefits and Purposes of Studying Moral Science.
