Sejarah Peradaban Islam Dunia
The purpose of this discussion is to understand the history of the development of Islamic education during the Ottoman Empire which was founded by the Bani Osman and ruled for more than a century and was led by 36 sultans. This Islamic education model cannot be separated from the cultural background and conditions at that time. Islamic education during the Ottoman Empire experienced stagnation in the field of education in its early years, which made people feel bored and frustrated, and many Ottoman Turks who studied terekat which developed at that time were in a state of frustration. The orders that developed were Al-bektasy and Al-Mulawy. When Sultan Mahmud II took office, he started reforms in various fields, including education, because education would have a huge impact on the kingdom. The reforms carried out did not only occur in institutions but also in courses and methods. So with these changes, many students were sent to Francis to broaden their horizons, which led to the emergence of new ideas for the development of education in the Ottoman Empire. This article uses a qualitative descriptive writing method. The author reveals historical facts that occurred during the Ottoman Dynasty through a literature review, then categorizes and conceptualizes them as education in order to provide references and points of reference for the development of Islamic education.
Keywords: History of Islamic Civilization, Ottoman Dynasty