PERSPEKTIF : Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Islam <p>Perspektif : Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam STAI Diponegoro Tulungagung</p> Program Studi PAI STAI Diponegoro en-US PERSPEKTIF : Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Islam 0216-518X STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM DI NEGARA ISLAM ( INDONESIA ) <p>Pendidikan Islam merupakan tanggung jawab bersama antara masyarakat dan pemerintah.&nbsp; Pola pendidikan masyarakat lebih bersifat non formal, dengan menggunakan rumah, masjid atau pondok pesantren sebagai tempat pembelajaran. Sedangkan pola yang digunakan pemerintah adalah formal melalui lembaga pendidikan baik itu swasta maupun negeri. Lembaga pendidikan formal, mulai pendidikan dasar sampai pendidikan tinggi memiliki alur pendidikan yang berbeda. Lembaga Pendidikan Islam memiliki peranan penting dalam meningkatkan dan memajukan tingkat pendidikan masyarakat Indonesia. Baik itu pendidikan formal maupun pendidikan non formal. Banyaknya lembaga pendidikan islam di Indonesia, sesungguhnya merupakan wujud penghargaan yang tinggi terhadap ilmu pengetahuan, dan menjadi bukti bahwa islam concern pendidikan.</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p>Kata kunci: strategi, Pengembangan, Pendidikan Islam, Indonesia</p> Sistupani M.Pd.I Copyright (c) 2024 PERSPEKTIF : Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam 2024-10-10 2024-10-10 17 02 1 23 DAULAH TURKI UTSMANI DAULAH TURKI UTSMANI <p>The purpose of this discussion is to understand the history of the development of Islamic education during the Ottoman Empire which was founded by the Bani Osman and ruled for more than a century and was led by 36 sultans. This Islamic education model cannot be separated from the cultural background and conditions at that time. Islamic education during the Ottoman Empire experienced stagnation in the field of education in its early years, which made people feel bored and frustrated, and many Ottoman Turks who studied terekat which developed at that time were in a state of frustration. The orders that developed were Al-bektasy and Al-Mulawy. When Sultan Mahmud II took office, he started reforms in various fields, including education, because education would have a huge impact on the kingdom. The reforms carried out did not only occur in institutions but also in courses and methods. So with these changes, many students were sent to Francis to broaden their horizons, which led to the emergence of new ideas for the development of education in the Ottoman Empire. This article uses a qualitative descriptive writing method. The author reveals historical facts that occurred during the Ottoman Dynasty through a literature review, then categorizes and conceptualizes them as education in order to provide references and points of reference for the development of Islamic education.</p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> History of Islamic Civilization, Ottoman Dynasty</em></p> Amarodin Amarodin Copyright (c) 2024 PERSPEKTIF : Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Islam 2024-10-10 2024-10-10 17 02 24 44 PENERAPAN HDDEN CURRIULUM TERHA PENERAPAN HDDEN CURRIULUM TERHADDAP PEMBENTUKAN KARAKTER RELIGIUS <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong><br><strong>Research Objectives</strong>:</p> <ol> <li class="show">To identify the forms of hidden curriculum implementation at MIN 2 Blitar.</li> <li class="show">To understand the role of teachers as facilitators in the implementation of the hidden curriculum at MIN 2 Blitar.</li> <li class="show">To examine the outcomes of the hidden curriculum implementation in shaping the religious character of 5th-grade students at MIN 2 Blitar.</li> </ol> <p><strong>Research Methodology</strong>:<br>This study employed a descriptive research design and case study approach with a qualitative methodology.</p> <ul> <li class="show"><strong>Researcher’s Presence</strong>: The researcher participated actively in the study.</li> <li class="show"><strong>Research Location</strong>: MIN 2 Blitar, Wonodadi District, Blitar Regency.</li> <li class="show"><strong>Data and Data Sources</strong>: <ol> <li class="show">Primary sources: Teachers.</li> <li class="show">Secondary sources: Documentation and archives.</li> </ol> </li> <li class="show"><strong>Data Collection Procedures</strong>: Participant observation, in-depth interviews with the vice principal for curriculum, religious education teachers, and activity supervisors involved in the implementation of the hidden curriculum at MIN 2 Blitar. Data verification was conducted through triangulation and procedures for uncovering data related to habituation activities of the hidden curriculum, the role of teachers, and the outcomes of these activities in shaping students' religious character. Data were documented in the form of recordings.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Hidden curriculum, religious character, facilitator</p> KOMARODIN komarelkhat Copyright (c) 2024 PERSPEKTIF : Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Islam 2025-02-03 2025-02-03 17 02 45 66 IMPLEMENTASI PEMBELAJARAN MENGGAMBAR DALAM METODE DISKUSI PADA MATA PELAJARAN FIQIH DI MADRASAH UNTUK MENINGKATKAN MOTIVASI SISWA <p>Menggambar merupakan salah satu kegiatan yang disenangi anak-anak. Dalam kegiatan menggambar, baik menggambar ekspresi, menggambar ilustrasi maupun menggambar dekorasi dituntun untuk penguasaan keterampilan. Kemampuan menggambar dapat dilatih dengan berbagai metode latihan. Dalam latihan menggambar tentu dibutuhkan beberapa objek dasar yang dapat dimulai dari benda-benda geometris. Pada objek tersebut terdapat elemen-elemen dalam menggambar seperti garis, bidang, warna, bentuk, tekstur, komposisi, proporsi, serta teknik arsir gelap dan terang. Alat-alat dalam menggambar terdiri dari beberapa alat utama dan alat bantu antara lain: pensil gambar, penghapus, rautan pensil atau pisau, papan gambar/sket, penggaris (variasi ukuran dan bentuk), kain background (situasioal), lampu (bila diperlukan) dan kertas. Melalui metode diskusi siswa saling bertukar fikiran, pembelajaran menggambar dapat menumbuhkan jiwa seni dan pembelajaran menjadi lebih menyenangkan. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian deskriptif, yang memaparkan tentang peranan pembelajaran menggambar dalam metode diskusi di madrasah ibtidaiyah, yang memiliki pemahaman dan kesadaran dalam meningkatkan jiwa seni. Peran menggambar dalam metode diskusi yang disampaikan guru dalam pembelajaran berperan penting dalam menumbuhkan jiwa seni pada anak-anak. Melalui menggambar anak-anak dapat mengekspresikan ide-ide mereka melalui sebuah coretan pada kertas maupun media gambar yang menjadi sebuah bentuk gambar yang bernilai seni.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> nina sultonurohmah Copyright (c) 2024 PERSPEKTIF : Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Islam 2025-02-03 2025-02-03 17 02 67 78 PERDIKAN MAJAN DAN KIPRAH KH. R. KHASAN MIMBAR TERHADAP PERKEMBANGAN PESANTREN DI TULUNGAGUNG (Sebuah Perspektif Sosio-Historis) <p><em>In the historical context, first, pesantren is a continuation of a pre-Islamic or Perdikan educational and religious institution.</em> <em>Second, pesantren were adopted from the Islamic education system in the Middle East.</em> <em>The policy of the Islamic Mataram kingdom which gave respect and encouragement to people who educated the population to practice piety with civilian institutions, gave a very significant contribution to the spread of Islam. as seen in the employer of the Majan which has now changed to the village of Majan.</em> <em>This is normal, apart from KH.R. Khasan Mimbar as a Ulama 'figure who received a mandate from the Islamic Mataram kingdom, also because he was still a descendant of the Islamic Mataram kingdom. also because he is still a descendant of the Islamic Mataram kingdom. Perdikan Majan also adopted the teachings or curriculum of Islamic Education from the Middle East, especially Makkah, through the Hajj process.</em> <em>This is evident from the transmission of Islamic scholarship in Majan and the traditions of the Syatariyah order. So Majan as Perdikan is also a pesantren entity in the category of simple pesantren.</em> <em>The existence of perdikan and pesantren majan is a form of assimilation of two cultures, namely Javanese pre-Islam (Hindu-Buddhist) and Islam in the Middle East (Makkah). The existence of KH.R Khasan Mimbar is an important figure for the employer of the Majan.</em> <em>KH. R Khasan Mimbar, if categorized as a formal religious leader, not independent. This means that in preaching and Islamic educational activities influenced by the legitimacy and interests of the Islamic Mataram kingdom.</em></p> <p><em>Key Words : </em><em>Pesantren, Perdikan Majan, Socio-Historical</em></p> M. Kholid Thohiri Copyright (c) 2024 PERSPEKTIF : Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Islam 2024-10-10 2024-10-10 17 02 79 95 MANAJEMEN INFORMASI UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KEUNGGULAN KOMPETITIF LEMBAGA PENDIDIKAN ISLAM <p>Educational reform is closely related to the information systems needed in the development of the world of education. This concept has the nuance of how education tries to use computer devices, which can be applied as a means of communication to significantly improve the performance of the world of education. Educational information is the only source that a leader of an educational institution needs. Information can be processed from other sources which are influenced by very complex organizations and the computer devices they own. Information can improve the performance of educational institutions. In the world of education, communicators are all components within the institution. Starting from the school principal, teacher council, staff, students, infrastructure, curriculum, and so on. Therefore, a manager's responsibility is to ensure that each component is responsible for its capacity for excellence in educational institutions.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: <em>Information Management, Competitive Advantage of Islamic Education Institutions</em><em>.</em></p> Suyitno Suyitno Copyright (c) 2024 PERSPEKTIF : Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Islam 2024-10-10 2024-10-10 17 02 96 111