Tarekat dan Sistem Pendidikan Pesantren Perspektif KH. Mudjtaba Bukhori
This article examines KH. Mudjtaba Bukhari thought, the educator of Pesantren Al-Bukhari Ganjaran Gondanglegi of Malang, especially about Naqshbandiyah Tarekat and pesantren education system has been implemented. The Tarekat only taught to rural communities outside the school and did not involve the pesantren pupil, except for those who have a minimum of ten years of living in the pesantren and have a practice of syar'iat knowledge well. The rationale of Kiai Mudjtaba towards tarekat and pesantren education system was his own knowledge of the community needs and the guardians’ demands. These do not deviate from the will of his father and grandfather. Besides, the educational system run by Kiai Mudjtaba follows his education before. The material taught in pesantren of Al-Bukhari is divided into three kinds, namely the Islamic religious, and general science, and language. As one of the great traditions, the pesantren has special learning methods such as wetonan, bandongan, sorogan, muhawarah, mudzakarah dan majlis ta’lim.
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