• Anwar Hidayat SMAN Jenggawah Jember
Keywords: Madrasah, Mustanshir Billah, Abasiyyah Dynasty, Islamic Education


Madrasah Mustanshiriyah was built in the era of Abbasiyah Dynasty II that almost fell down. The condition of Baghdad at that time was facing ideology conflict of Islam and it often made blood-conflict. The founder is Caliph Abu Ja’far al-Manshur bin Muhammad al-Zahir, entitled al-Mustanshir Billah. This madrasah was located by the east side of Tigris river, nearby Ma’mun bridge (Jisr al-Ma’mun). The architect of the madrasah building was Mu’ayyad al-Din bin al-Alqami. There were several facilities in the building such as classrooms, apartment, auditorium, meeting room, bathroom, storage room, kitchen, Dar al-Qur’an, Dar al-Hadits, library, hospital and drug store. There were four important subjects to teach in the early foundation of the madrasah, like al-Qur’an study, hadits, medical science and mathematics. In this madrasah, there were four Sunni taught such as Hambali, Maliki, Syafi’i and Hanafi. The education curriculum in madrasah Mustanshiriyah was Islamic curriculum in the middle century like traditional sciences, Arabic language and rational science. This madrasah had destruction when Mongolia, Hulagu Khan as the leader, attacked down.

Author Biography

Anwar Hidayat, SMAN Jenggawah Jember
Ds. Jenggawah Jember