Dinamika Pendidikan Islam Terpadu (Studi Kasus Di Yayasan Muhammad Yaqub Bulurejo Diwek Jombang)

  • Khumairoh An-Nahdliyah STIT-Urwatul Wustqo Jombang


Abstract: At least there are two trends that can be identified with regard to the age of
globalization. First, the stronger dominance of science and technology in science in
human life. Second, the strong dominance of science and technology slowly shifts the
noble values that are universally upheld by humans. Educational institutions in
Indonesia, on average, mostly teach general lessons and are less able to form Islamic
personalities for students or Muslim personalities, therefore an Islamic personality
that is oriented towards the welfare and happiness of life in the world and the
hereafter is needed. The integrated Islamic education model implemented at the
Muhammad Yaqub Foundation is an integration model, using an interdisciplinary
approach, combining the fields of study of skills, overlapping concepts and attitudes.
Like learning about physics, but students have skills about faith. this curriculum
includes integrating several disciplines. The development of integrated Islamic
Education at the Muhammad Yaqub Foundation is to structure the curriculum,
syllabus, textbooks, teaching staff, develop a teacher team that will provide an
explanation of faith and piety, conduct teacher coaching, lecture students who will be
expected to graduate as teachers in Muhammad Yaqub Foundation to be fostered.

Keywords: Integrated Islamic Education, integration model and Muhammad Yaqub
