POLIGAMI DALAM PANDANGAN MUHAMMAD SYAHRUR: Pembacaan Ulang Terhadap Makna dan Ketentuan Poligami
In Islam, polygamy is a form of justified marriage. Many Muslimscholars or mufassir have allowed a man to perform polygamous marriages.
However, their thinking about the permissibility of polygamy is sued and
criticized by a group of contemporary Islamic thinkers who tend not to justify it
with the logical reasons based on their understanding of the Qur'an. One of the
contemporary Islamic thinkers who also takes into account the issue of polygamy
is Muhammad Shahrur. However, his points of view about polygamy are
different from most other contemporary thinkers. Although the Shahrur's
characteristics of thought could be considered post-traditionalistic, his points of
view about it are far different from the ones of most contemporary Muslim
intellectuals in which they tend to forbid it with the main reason, namely the
impossibility of a man to do justice between his wives. At this point, knowing
the Shahrur's thought related to the issue of polygamy is very interesting.
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