Hikmah: Jurnal Studi Keislaman2024-12-18T23:35:56+00:00AL HIKMAH: Jurnal Studi Keislamanjurnalalhikmah1@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p><strong>Al Hikmah: Jurnal Studi Keislaman </strong>diterbitkan oleh Institut Agama Islam Al-Hikmah Tuban yang terbit sejak tahun 2011. Jurnal ini memuat kajian-kajian keislaman yang meliputi pendidikan Islam, sharî‘ah, pemikiran Islam, ekonomi, dan kajian Islam lainnya. Terbit dua kali setahun, yaitu bulan Maret dan September</p> <p> </p> PENGGUNAAN E-BUDDY DALAM PELAYANAN PENDIDIKAN DI SDN SUMPUT SIDOARJO2024-11-20T04:31:17+00:00Fatkul Fauzi .ffathul123@gmail.comUlfah Nurrohmahulfahnurrohmah761@gmail.comPutri Almaas<p>Education service innovation can be said to be successful or good if itprovides convenience in services with short, fast and timely procedures. Success in educational service innovation was found in the institutions involved in implementing <br>Educational Service Innovation. In this research, success indicators are used in measuring an innovation contained in Rogers' Theory, which consists of Relative <br>Advantage is an innovation that has superiority and more value compared to the previous pattern, Conformity is an innovation that has the characteristics of suitability or is compatible with the innovation being replaced, Complexity is an <br>innovation New innovation certainly has a level of complexity, the possibility of trying it is that the innovation can be accepted if it is tested and proven to have superiority, <br>ease of observation is that the innovation can be observed in terms of performance and produce better things. The results of this research show that Educational Service <br>Innovation in using e-Buddy has been carried out very well. In the indicators of Relative Excellence, Suitability, Complexity, possibility of trying, Ease of observing <br>it is in accordance with the needs of each Regional Apparatus Organization of Sidoarjo Regency. The conclusion of this research is that the Service Innovation of <br>Sumput Public Elementary School, Sidoarjo Regency in Using e-Buddy is very good and efficient. Suggestions from this research are to improve updates to the e-Buddy <br>application to make it better and easier to operate. <br>Keywords: Innovation, e-Buddy</p>2024-11-20T03:45:22+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Al Hikmah: Jurnal Studi Keislaman TOLERANSI BERAGAMA PERSPEKTIF PSIKOLOGI MULTIKULTURAL (STUDI KASUS SDN 1 DESA BALUN KABUPATEN LAMONGAN)2024-11-20T04:31:17+00:00M. Rofik Fitrotullohrofikfitrotulloh@gmail.comM. Maulana<p>The revitalisation of religious tolerance in the perspective of multicultural psychology at SDN 1 Balun Village, Lamongan Regency is realised through three approaches, namely individual approach, relational approach, and ideological approach as well as multiculturalism policy through a policy formula that supports all religions fairly. Some of the driving factors for the achievement of revitalising religious tolerance include the high level of inter-religious tolerance in the surrounding community, government policies related to the cultivation of religious moderation values, and the cooperation of all school members to create a pluralistmulticultural learning environment. The lack of adequate facilities and infrastructure, as well as the lack of slogans and posters about respecting diversity, are the main obstacles to this revitalisation effort.<br><br></p>2024-11-20T04:30:27+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Al Hikmah: Jurnal Studi Keislaman ISLAM DALAM BINGKAI KEBUDAYAAN POPULER: STUDI CYBER CULTURE DI INDONESIA DAN MALAYSIA2024-12-18T23:35:56+00:00Moh. Adib Amrullahamrullahku97@gmail.comMuhammad Mujaddid<p>Islam is a religion based on the revelation of God's word in the Al-Qur'an, the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad, and the laws (shariah) which guide the behavior of its adherents. In its development, Islam was framed in various forms of ritual behavior to entertainment. This phenomenon is an inevitability that occurs during the modernization era. Islamic soap operas, influencers wearing hijabs, special magazines containing Islamic content, social media pages, special Ramadan edition food offerings in various fast food places, as well as content containing Islamic quotes fill the media landscape of Muslim countries in Southeast Asia, especially Indonesia and Malaysia. Ideas, sounds, images and meanings about Islam abound in contemporary popular culture including film, music, television, radio, comics, fashion, magazines and cyber culture. Mass-mediated, commercialized, fun-filled, humorous, and representative of large segments of society or communities, popular forms and practices are at the heart of the definition and meaning of contemporary Islam. These forms and accompanying practices of Islamic production, circulation, marketing and interpretation are part of everyday Islamic life in Southeast Asia today</p>2024-12-18T09:53:55+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Al Hikmah: Jurnal Studi Keislaman