Penerapan Metode Cooperative learning dalam Meningkatkan Konsentrasi Belajar Pada Mata Pelajaran Akidah Akhlak Siswa Kelas 9 di MTs AL Barokah Pangulah Baru
Enhance civic education learning akidah akhlak the use of cooperative learning
methods for the class of 9 MT AL BAROKAH Pangulah Baru students. The purpose
of this study is to investigate the learning of akidah akhlak in grade 9 MT AL
BAROKAH Pangulah Baru using cooperative learning method. This study uses a
qualitative and participatory approach. Observation results showed an increase in the
number of students being observed. Observational results showed an increase in
student activity, teacher impressions, and student learning outcomes. There are
positive changes for students in every aspect.Teachers' impressions increased, shown
in the pre-cycle category being only 1,6% or less and after cycle 1 becoming 2,8% or
quite good, and in the 2nd cycle reaching 3,3 % or type meets the requirements. The
students' pre-vocational learning results met KKM (minimum competency criteria),
with only 7 students achieving an average of 55. In cycle 1, the number of students
achieving KKM increased to 8 students with an average of 66 and in cycle 2, they
increased to 10 students with an average of 75.
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Marsell Ilbon, T. S. (n.d.). PElNElRAPAN PElMBElLAJARAN COOPElRATIlVEl LEl ARNIlNG. 15-16.
Copyright (c) 2024 Enjay Sanjaya, Evanora novarese maharani, Fahad ahmad fawaiz, M. Makbul, Nur Aini Farida

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.