Meningkatkan Keaktifan Siswa Kelas VI B Di SDN Pasirangin 05 Dalam Pembelajaran PAI Melalui Metode Team Games Tournament (TGT)
The function of education is to support students in developing all their potential, such as skills and personality traits so that they can be directed towards good things. For this reason, education is not only a process of scanning knowledge but also practicing skills and values. By conducting Classroom Action Research, the aim is to improve the level of activity in the classroom. The Teams Games Tournament type cooperative method can prove effective in increasing student participation and learning motivation. By applying the TGT technique, the results of classroom action research that was carried out at SDN Pasirangin 05 in the first and second cycles, namely through repeated steps implemented, began to produce increased student participation in the TGT cooperative learning method which was applied when teaching PAI. Even though it is not evenly distributed, there are positive signs from a number of students who are starting to actively ask questions, answer questions and are able to have group discussions. By implementing TGT, students are more involved in the learning process because a healthy competitive atmosphere and teamwork are fostered. This method not only increases student activity in class, but also increases understanding of the subject matter, because students are challenged to help each other and compete in a fun environment.
Copyright (c) 2024 Fathimah Fathimah, Indi Anaka Santika, Karnadi Irawan, Nur Aini Farida, M. Makbul

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